Data Structures and Algorithms with Java

This repository contains:

The implementation of standard data structures and algorithms in Java.

Java language features and syntax that help you solve leetcode problems.

Solutions to many of the classical problems of computer science.

How to download ?

You can download the source code in either of the following two ways:

Download the zip file from


Clone using the following command:

git clone

How to open in Eclipse?

  1. Go to File > New > Java Project
  2. Unselect "Use default location" and then browse to the location of the source code on your computer
  3. Click OK

How to open in IntelliJ IDEA?

  1. Go to File > New > Project > Java > next > next
  2. In the "project name" text box enter any name.
  3. In the "project location" enter the location of the repository you just downloaded.
  4. Click finish.

How to run?

In your IDE go to src folder and right click any application file, it should run as a Java application.

How to contribute to the code?

Request you to create a 'pull request' or 'merge request' so that your branch can be reviewed before merging to master.

Got a better way to setup the project? Please email me to