
This repo contains all the C++ programs that are made as part of Object Oriented Programming subject.

Primary LanguageC++

C++ repository

This repo contains all the C++ programs that are made as part of Object Oriented Programming subject.

Read More about Standard Template Library(STL)

Read More about Templates


Standard tempelate library (STL)

  1. Vectors in detail
  2. List in detail
  3. Map in detail
  4. Multimap in detail
  5. Deque in detail
  6. Set in detail
  7. Multiset in detail


  1. Map (STL) example
  2. Linked List (STL) example
  3. Stack (STL) example


  1. Vector (STL) iterator example


  1. Late Binding example 1
  2. Late Binding example 2


  1. Application of template function
  2. Template function with multiple parameters
  3. Template Overloading
  4. Member function template and non type template arguments application with dynamic object creation example also


  1. Creating template class and making self vector class as an example
  2. Bubble Sort using template functions


  1. Checking if entered value is a double or not and performing mathematical functions on the entered number(Exception Handling)
  2. Throwing an error as a class object and catching it
  3. Rethrowing an exception, mechanism of catching


  1. Exception Handling in C++
  2. Example of exception handling with an example of division by zero exception


  1. Creating dynamic objects in a dynamic array of objects.(Pure Dynamic Solution)
  2. Inheritance Practice result of student and marks example


  1. Practice question for virtual functions(Full question written in the starting of code)
  2. Practice question with example of bank account solved with containership(Full question written in the starting of code)


  1. Dynamic polymorphism using virtual functions
  2. Virtual Functions with example of different methods


  1. Nesting of classes(Containership)
  2. Implementataion of Containership with Staff example
  3. Calling Constructor in derived class


  1. Multiple Inheritance Example
  2. Hierarchichal Inheritance with example of Student object
  3. Hybrid Inheritance with example of Results combined with Sports Class


  1. Single Inheritance Example
  2. Multilevel Inheritance Example


  1. Array Pointers and examples
  2. Pointers and their uses in classes
  3. Strings with pointers
  4. this pointer(IMPORTANT)
  5. Type conversion class to class
  6. Type conversion all types


  1. Type Conversion with example of time conversion


  1. Operator overloading with Complex Numbers
  2. Operator overloading Vector Question


  1. Operator overloading example question
  2. Operator overloading with example of matrix solution


  1. Constructors example
  2. Friend function example
  3. Complex numbers program solving addition subtraction and so on of complex numbers