
Examples of implementation of concurrent computing made in C and Java for the discipline of Concurrent Computing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

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Conc. Comp. Examples

Made by Thales Macena Top Language Last Commits Top Language

🗂 Table of Contents

📑 About

This repository is a list of examples of the implementation of concurrent computing done in C using the POSIX Threads library, built during the discipline of Concurrent Computing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and taught by Prof. Silvana Rossetto (DCC-- UFRJ)

It is recommended that you use a Linux, macOS or WSL system if you use windows to run and run programs

🧩 Examples

First notion of creating threads to create a hello world in multiple threads and present the concept of concurrent computing

Shows the use of threads to manipulate arrays, increasing the value of each position by 1

Program that performs the multiplication of a matrix by a vector, has a sequential version and versions with different concurrent solutions.

Program that performs the multiplication of a square matrix by a square matrix, has a sequential version and a concurrent version. In the folder you will also find a benchmark analysis on the advantages of a concurrent approach.

Program that traverses an array of double and adds their values

Program that use threads to calculate a aproximation to pi value

Program that use threads to calculate array prefix sum

First notion of creating threads in Java to create a hello world in multiple threads and present the concept of concurrent computing

Program that use threads to calculate increment a variable

Shows the use of threads in Java to manipulate arrays, increasing the value of each position by 1

Shows the semaphore example in threads

✨ Installation

Open a terminal and run the following commands:

# To copy this repository
git clone https://github.com/thalesmacena/concurrent-computing-examples.git

# To move to project directory
cd concurrent-computing-examples

🔥 Running

You can open powershell as wsl with the command:

wsl code .

You can run each example by running its respective .exe file or build with the command:

gcc fileName -o exitName -Wall -lpthread
./exitName args

You can compile and run with java with the following commands:

javac Main.java
java Main