
A pure Python package for representing (Bayesian|Markov) Networks and others Probabilistic Graphical Models.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python package for representing and querying Probabilistic Graphical Models.

GitHub repository:


Core Philosophy

  • Code that is easy to read is favored over efficient code
  • It should help students to visualize and understand Probabilistic Models concepts
  • The dificulties of implementations should be clear, and not delegated to another Python library
  • No use of other libraries for probablistic graphical models (a corolary of the above, but individually important)

Supported Probabilistic Models

Currently the following are implemented:

  • Probabilistic Logic
  • Bayesian Networks
  • Markov Networks


Bayesian Networks

We can load the asia network from a BIF file with:

asia = BayesNet.init_from_bif_file('examples/bayesnet/asia/asia.bif')

To see the network structure, we can call


which creates the following PNG image:


For each node in the above Digraph, there is a variable with the same name. For example, the variable associated with the lung node can be accessed by asia['lung'], which is an instance of Variable.

>>> asia['lung']

>>> print(asia['lung'])
[V] Name : lung
    Dom  : ['yes', 'no']

The local probabilities are indexed by their main varible name. So, to print the local probability of the dysp variable, one can call:

>>> print(asia.local_probs['lung'])
[+] LocalProbability(dysp|bronc,either)
[ ] Scope: dysp,bronc,either
[ ] yes,yes,yes |  0.9000 
[ ] yes,yes,no  |  0.8000 
[ ] yes,no,yes  |  0.7000 
[ ]  yes,no,no  |  0.1000 
[ ] no,yes,yes  |  0.1000 
[ ]  no,yes,no  |  0.2000 
[ ]  no,no,yes  |  0.3000 
[ ]   no,no,no  |  0.9000 

Additionally, we can generate the markdown table for that local probability:


Which would give us the code that generated the following table:

Local Probability (dysp|bronc,either)

bronc either dysp = yes dysp = no
yes yes 0.9000 0.1000
yes no 0.8000 0.2000
no yes 0.7000 0.3000
no no 0.1000 0.9000

Here we have the tables of all the asia network local probabilities.

To perform a conjunctive query:

>>> asia.conjunctive_query(xray='yes', dysp='no')

We can check if two sets of variables are d-separated:

>>> asia.is_d_separated(['asia', 'tub'], ['smoke', 'lung', 'bronc'])

And also, we can pass a set of observed variables:

>>> asia.is_d_separated(['asia', 'tub'], ['smoke', 'lung', 'bronc'], observed_set=['either'])

To explore d-separation over a network more deeply, it's nice to see some shiny and colorful graphs. This can be accomplished by calling:

asia.draw_reachable_via_active_trails('.../reachable.png', ['asia', 'tub'], observed_set=['either'])

which produces the graph below. It's like in the poem

Unreachables are red,
Source variables are blue.
Grey variables are sad,
Because of what we saw them do.
A v-structure makes them mad,
They turn green some that were red,
And red some that were green, too.
