Nested Stack simple practice


1 - Some resources are required to be unique, such as S3 Bucket and Route 53 hosted zone. In order to properly create stack change the variable RAND on with an unique value. A random value can be generated with openssl rand -hex 6.

3 - Create Ec2 key pairs for bastion and Ecs Container Instances:

export BASTION_KEY="BastionKey"
export ECS_KEY="EcsInstancesKey"
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name ${BASTION_KEY} --query "KeyMaterial" --output text > "${BASTION_KEY}".pem
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name ${ECS_KEY} --query "KeyMaterial" --output text > "${ECS_KEY}".pem

2 - Once RAND is unique:

$ chmod +x ./
$ ./

Next Steps

[x] Add internet route on VPC route route table

[x] BastionbBootstrap script to update bastion DNS on public hosted zone

[ ] Launch jenkins on secondary account.

[ ] Create AWS Config rules for s3 buckets with public access and ec2 instances with ssh open to internet.

[ ] ApiService.Properties.DeploymentController.Type is configured to ECS right now but it is planned to implement blue/green deployment using type CODE_DEPLOY

Resource created outside cloudformation

  • SSL Certificates requested direclty from console to avoid stack to be stuck in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS


  • Diagram of what CFN builds