A complete guide to this application can be found here
This app requires ofxJSON
The above instructions, more succinctly:
First run tSNE-audio.py script to generate the t-SNE. You can do it on an entire directory of sounds, or on a single sound which is segmented by onsets. To run it on a directory of sounds:
python tSNE-audio.py --input_dir path/to/input/directory --output_file path/to/output/json
for example:
python tSNE-audio.py --input_dir "/Users/gene/audio/Drum Samples" --output_file ../apps/AudioTSNEViewer/bin/data/points.json
Or you can run it on a single audio file, in which case it will segment the audio by onsets, analyze each chunk and save it to a directory, then analyze those.
python tSNE-audio.py --input_file path/to/your/input/file --output_audio_dir path/to/output/chunks --output_file path/to/output/json
for example:
python tSNE-audio.py --input_file /Users/gene/Downloads/bohemianrhapsody.mp3 --output_audio_dir /Users/gene/Desktop/mySounds --output_file ../apps/AudioTSNEViewer/bin/data/points.json
Then run this application, where path
has been set to the location of your JSON file generated above. Alternatively, name it points.json
and place it in the data folder, which is the default path.