
Status: Developing ⚠️

It is a web application planned by me, where I perform the CRUD of Calisthenics Movements.

Some fields in main Model is:

  • name
  • description
  • repetation num
  • sequency num
  • dificult category
  • i know
  • user_id
  • image

Also that, has a User with this fields:

  • name
  • email
  • cpf
  • birth
  • active

In addition to CRUD, I implement other features such as:

  • See the more recently movement created, using Cookie.
  • Entire verification system to validate forms with personalized messages.
  • Message of success when create a movement, using Session Flash.
  • Profile User editable.

This features are in developing:

  • Search for movements by name and/or dificulted category.
  • Email verification.

Technologies Used:

PHP Laravel Composer MySql
6.* 7.4 2.0 8.0

How to run the application:

  1. run shell: composer install
  2. run shell: php artisan key:generate
  3. create new Schema MySql
  4. create file .env (can copy from .env.example)
  5. configure your database variables in .env
  6. run shell: php artisan migrate
  7. run shell: php artisan serve

How to use mail service:

  1. create free account in mailtrap
  2. into of mailtrap site, go to My Inbox
  3. go to SMT settigns
  4. choice Laravel option in Integrations
  5. copy and past in your .env