
Execute commands remotely over SSH and WinRM

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Travis Status Appveyor Status Gem Version

Bolt is a Ruby command-line tool for executing commands, scripts, and tasks on remote systems using SSH and WinRM.

  • Executes commands on remote *nix and Windows systems.
  • Distributes and execute scripts, such as Bash, PowerShell, Python.
  • Scales to more than 1000 concurrent connections.
  • Supports industry standard protocols (SSH/SCP, WinRM/PSRP) and authentication methods (password, publickey).

Supported platforms

  • Linux, OSX, Windows
  • Ruby 2.0+

For complete usage and installation details, see the Puppet Bolt docs. For contribution information, including alternate installation methods and running from source, see CONTRIBUTING.md.


On *nix

Bolt depends on gems containing native extensions. To install Bolt on *nix platforms, you must also install a GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) compiler and related dependencies.

  1. Install the dependencies for your platform.

    • On CentOS 7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, run yum install -y make gcc ruby-devel
    • On Fedora 25, run dnf install -y make gcc redhat-rpm-config ruby-devel rubygem-rdoc
    • On Debian 9 or Ubuntu 16.04, run apt-get install -y make gcc ruby-dev
    • On Mac OS X, run xcode-select --install, and then accept the xcode license by running xcodebuild -license accept
  2. Install Bolt as a gem by running gem install bolt

On Windows

Install Bolt and its dependencies on Windows systems.

To install and use Bolt on Windows systems, you must also install Ruby. You can download Ruby from https://rubyinstaller.org/ or with the Chocolatey Windows package manager.

  1. Install Ruby.
  2. Refresh your environment by running refreshenv
  3. Install Bolt by running gem install bolt

Configuring Bolt

To configure Bolt create a ~/.puppetlabs/bolt.yml file. Global options live at the top level of the file while transport specific options are configured for each transport. If a config options is set in the config file and passed with the corresponding command line flag the flag will take precedence.

example file:

modulepath: "~/.puppetlabs/bolt-code/site:~/.puppetlabs/bolt-code/modules"
concurrency: 10
format: human
  insecure: true
  private-key: ~/.ssh/bolt_id

Global configuration options

concurrency: The number of threads to use when executing on remote nodes (default: 100)

format: The format to use when printing results. Options are human and json (default: human)

modulepath: The module path to load tasks and plan code from. This is a list of directories separated by the OS-specific path separator (: on Linux/macOS, ; on Windows).

ssh transport configuration options

insecure: If true, host key validation will be skipped when connecting over SSH. (default: false)

private-key: The path to the private key file to use for SSH authentication.

connect-timeout: Maximum amount of time to allow for an SSH connection to be established, in seconds

winrm transport configuration options

connect-timeout: Maximum amount of time to allow for a WinRM connection to be established, in seconds

pcp transport configuration options

There are currently no options for the PCP orchestrator transport

Usage examples

Get help

$ bolt --help
Usage: bolt <subcommand> <action> [options]

Run a command over SSH

$ bolt command run 'ssh -V' --nodes neptune

OpenSSH_5.3p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

Ran on 1 node in 0.27 seconds

Run a command over SSH against multiple hosts

$ bolt command run 'ssh -V' --nodes neptune,mars

OpenSSH_5.3p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013


OpenSSH_6.6.1p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

Ran on 2 nodes in 0.27 seconds

Run a command over WinRM

$ bolt command run 'gpupdate /force' --nodes winrm://pluto --user Administrator --password <password>

Updating policy...

Computer Policy update has completed successfully.

User Policy update has completed successfully.

Ran on 1 node in 11.21 seconds

Run a command over WinRM against multiple hosts

$ bolt command run '(Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).version' --nodes winrm://pluto,winrm://mercury --user Administrator --password <password>




Ran on 2 nodes in 6.03 seconds

Run a bash script

$ bolt script run ./install-puppet-agent.sh --nodes neptune
neptune: Installed puppet-agent 5.1.0

Run a PowerShell script

$ bolt script run Get-WUServiceManager.ps1 --nodes winrm://pluto --user Administrator --password <password>

Name                  : Windows Server Update Service
ContentValidationCert : {}
ExpirationDate        : 6/18/5254 9:21:00 PM
IsManaged             : True
IsRegisteredWithAU    : True
IssueDate             : 1/1/2003 12:00:00 AM
OffersWindowsUpdates  : True
RedirectUrls          : System.__ComObject
ServiceID             : 3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7
IsScanPackageService  : False
CanRegisterWithAU     : True
ServiceUrl            :
SetupPrefix           :
IsDefaultAUService    : True

Run the sql task from the mysql module

$ bolt task run mysql::sql database=mydatabase sql="SHOW TABLES" --nodes neptune --modulepath ~/modules

Run the deploy plan from the webserver module

$ bolt plan run webserver::deploy version=1.2 --modulepath ~/modules

Deployed app version 1.2.

Note the --nodes option is not used with plans, as they can contain more complex logic about where code is run. A plan can use normal parameters to accept nodes when applicable, as in the next example.

Run the single_task plan from the sample module in this repo

$ bolt plan run sample::single_task nodes=neptune --modulepath spec/fixtures/modules
neptune got passed the message: hi there


Thank you to Marcin Bunsch for allowing Puppet to use the bolt gem name.


We welcome error reports and pull requests to Bolt. See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to help.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0.