
Simple modern-looking event calendar 📅💜

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Modern-looking Event Calendar


👀 Demo:


Evo Calendar Preview

💡 Features:

  • Flexible and fully customizable
  • Responsive Calendar (desktop, tablet and mobile)
  • Add, Remove and View single/multiple calendar events
  • Set event type (event, holiday, birthday)
  • Events and methods that lets you think outside the box!

🎨 Usage


Start working with Evo Calendar using CDN (jsDelivr)

Adding links using jsDelivr:

Just add a link to the css file in your <head>:

<!-- Add the evo-calendar.css for styling -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/evo-calendar@1.1.0/evo-calendar/css/evo-calendar.min.css"/>

Then, before your closing <body> tag add:

<!-- Add jQuery library (required) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.4.1/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Add the evo-calendar.js for.. obviously, functionality! -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/evo-calendar@1.1.0/evo-calendar/js/evo-calendar.min.js"></script>


In your html file:

<div id="calendar"></div>

Then in your javascript file:


Package Managers:

$ npm install evo-calendar

$ yarn add evo-calendar

🛠️ Settings

Option Type Default Description
theme string null Define calendar's theme
format string 'mm/dd/yyyy' Date format
titleFormat string 'MM yyyy' Date format for calendar title
eventHeaderFormat string 'MM d, yyyy' Date format for calendar event's title
firstDayOfWeek string 'Sun' Displayed first day of the week
language string 'en' Calendar's language
todayHighlight boolean false Highlight today's date in calendar
sidebarDisplayDefault boolean true Set default visibility of sidebar
sidebarToggler boolean true Display the button for toggling the sidebar
eventDisplayDefault boolean true Set default visibility of event lists
eventListToggler boolean true Display the button for toggling the event lists
calendarEvents array null Defined events for calendar to show

calendarEvent Options Example

    calendarEvents: [
      id: 'bHay68s', // Event's ID (required)
      name: "New Year", // Event name (required)
      date: "January/1/2020", // Event date (required)
      type: "holiday", // Event type (required)
      everyYear: true // Same event every year (optional)
       name: "Vacation Leave",
       date: ["February/13/2020", "February/15/2020"], // Date range
       type: "event"


Method Argument Description
setTheme string Set/Change theme
toggleSidebar boolean (optional) Toggle sidebar display
toggleEventList boolean (optional) Toggle event list display
getActiveDate none Get the selected date
getActiveEvents none Get the event(s) of selected date
selectYear number Select year programmatically
selectMonth number (0-11) Select month programmatically
selectDate string Select date programmatically
addCalendarEvent array/object Add Calendar event(s)
removeCalendarEvent array/string Remove event(s) by their id
destroy none Well.. destroy the calendar
addCalendarEvent Method Example
  $("#evoCalendar").evoCalendar('addCalendarEvent', [
     id: '09nk7Ts',
     name: "My Birthday",
     date: "February/15/2020",
     type: "birthday",
     everyYear: true


Event Argument Description
selectDate newDate, oldDate Fires after selecting date
selectEvent activeEvent Fires after selecting event
destroy calendar Fires after destroying calendar
selectDate Event Example
  $("#evoCalendar").on('selectDate', function() {
    // code here

Note: this is just me, exploring things.. 🤗💜