
custom test runner for Jest that allows tests to be run in Electron environment

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Jest electron runner

A custom test runner for Jest that runs tests inside an electron main or renderer process providing the following benefits:

  • Main

    • all electron instance modules (ipc, app, etc)
  • Renderer

    • full access to a browser environment without the need for jsdom or similar modules

Getting Started

NOTE: for jest@23 use the older version ~@jest-runner/electron@0.2.2

  1. Install jest electron runner yarn add @jest-runner/electron --dev

  2. Add one of these lines to your jest config (in package.json or inside your jest.config.js file), depending on the process you wish to test. If you wish to test them in parallel, see the tips section below.

    • Main process
          // ...
          runner: '@jest-runner/electron/main',
          testEnvironment: 'node',
    • Renderer Process
          // ...
          runner: '@jest-runner/electron',
          testEnvironment: '@jest-runner/electron/environment',
  3. run jest!


Normally jest-electron-runner runs a headless instance of electron when testing the renderer process. You may show the UI by adding this to your test:



  • The main process runner can be used to test any non-browser related code, which can speed up tests roughly 2x.
  • To run the main and renderer process tests in parallel, you can provide a config object to the projects array in a jest javascript config file like so:
// jest.config.js
const common = require('./jest.common.config')

module.exports = {
  projects: [
      runner: '@jest-runner/electron/main',
      testEnvironment: 'node',
      testMatch: ['**/__tests__/**/*.(spec|test).ts']
      runner: '@jest-runner/electron',
      testEnvironment: '@jest-runner/electron/environment',
      testMatch: ['**/__tests__/**/*.(spec|test).tsx']

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MIT licensed.