
Mern/Xcom misson based to-do list

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Mern/Xcom misson based to-do list

A to-do list style game in which each character has a set of campaigns, with each having missions and each mission has it's set of objectives. Completing objectives causes damage to the 'boss' of that mission and the boss is defeated by completing all objectives. This project was used as a way to become more familiar with MongoDB and React, specifically React.


  • Use the MERN stack ( MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS )
  • Project uses two separate apps, one for front-end ( React ) and one for back-end( node, express, mongo )
  • Users can select a character and view that character's campaigns and missions.
  • Objectives can be clicked to signify completion.
  • Front-end uses no css frameworks or JS frameworks other than React.

Stretch Goals

  • User login/logout
  • Customer user-made campaigns