
"Visaineri" is created on the basis of rules governing the tamil grammar. When a Verse is entered, it is parsed with grammar rules which we have specified in Backus-Naur format and if succeeds, the Verse will be displayed with its constituents like Character, Syllable, Word, Line, etc... in XML format.

Primary LanguagePython



These can be installed like so:

sudo easy_install django django-pagination south pyparsing beautifulsoup

Getting the code

cd /path/to/parent/
git clone git://github.com/justjkk/visaineri.git
cd visaineri
git submodules update --init

Setting up

cd /path/to/visaineri/
cp localsettings.py.sample localsettings.py
  • Edit localsettings.py with database and debug information
  • python manage.py validate should return 0 errors
  • python manage.py syncdb --migrate

Testing the Site

  • python manage.py runserver
  • Point your browser here.
  • Test the site's functionality.
  • Log into admin page and explore the admin interface.