Kingdom Hearts BBS Map Viewer


Firstly obtain the binaries, either from a release or by building the source. (details below)

Next you'll need to extract the data from BBS's archives to view;

  • Obtain BBS0.DAT, BBS1.DAT, BBS2.DAT and BBS3.DAT from a copy of BBS and decrypt them. I can't help you with this, google it or ask on the OpenKH discord.
  • Get the latest version of OpenKH.
  • Use OpenKh.Command.Bbsa.exe to extract the .DAT files.
  • The maps are bundled inside .arc files inside arc/map. Use OpenKh.Command.Arc.exe to extract one.
  • Launch KHBBSMap.exe and select the extracted .pmp file.
  • Click the "Load Env (PVD)" button in the environment window and select the extracted .pvd file.

Use W, A, S and D to move the camera around. Click and drag with the mouse to re-orient it. Hold shift to move a bit faster.

Most GUI windows can be collapsed by clicking the small arrow in their top left corner. Some can be closed by clicking the x in their top right corner. The GUI reveals a lot of info about the file you've loaded if you look around. You can access this through the checkboxes in the system window.

Exporting can be accessed though File->Export.... The exported .fbx and all textures will be placed in .\resources\export. This currently can't be changed so make sure to move the resulting files or some textures may be overwritten. The actual .fbx will be named after the loaded .pmp file. Please note that "material" export is very limited and some work will be required after importing into your 3D package of choice in order to get the map displaying correctly. If the map imports very small, it is suggested to scale by 100x. Meshes which form part of the "skybox" cannot be meaningfully positioned in the scene. They will be exported at unit scale at the origin. You should either attach them to the camera and/or re-scale them to be "really" big.


This project uses Premake 5 to generate it's build files. You'll also need the following:

This poject also uses Dear Imgui, GLAD and stb_image/stb_image_write but these libraries are included in the source.

Once you've modified the relevant paths at the top of premake.lua then build files can be generated by running premake5 vs2019 where vs2019 can be substituted for your prefered IDE/Toolchain. For more info and a list of toolchains see premake5 --help.

If using a compiler other than MSVC you might need to tweak some stuff in FileManager.cpp to get it to compile without issues.