
Primary LanguageObjective-C


MVP Features:

  • Continuous play. Play one song after another. (Nabil)
  • Make it so only the host needs to sign into spotify (Brian)
  • Add Parties(Channels) (Brian: Backend, Nick, Alex: Implementation)
  • Add codes for parties (Brian: Backend)
  • Decide on name (Fiesta, PartiBot, Beetz, Medley, PartyMix, Guac, Amp, Agora, Ox, Aux, BeetBox, SoundBox, Turnip, BalladBox, Drop, SoundDrop, SuFiesta, BeatBlend, BreakBeat, Tempo, SoundWeave, HouseParty, Loki, Noize, MusicalChairs, Pinata, Flair, Tonic, Infuse, Fest, Vibe, Zest, Output, Chain, Sequence, Glide, Current, Breeze, Draft, Pulse, Festivus)
  • Make song history viewable(Brian, Nabil: Backend, Alex: Frontend)
  • Export current playlist to Spotify/Possibly others?(
  • Join party without logging in
  • Don't show play/pause if the device isn't the host
  • Set search api call time limit(https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/user-guide/#rate-limiting)
  • Stop songs from playing when they're removed

#Front End:

  • Switch up the UI (Thanasi, Madhur)

#Back End:

  • Need to not play on every device at once. Fixed by creating a host. (Brian)


  • Alternate distribution(Testflight) (Thanasi)
  • Bug Spotify on Twitter (Everyone)
  • Message people on tinder about avocados (Everyone)
  • Buy avocados (Alex, Nick)
  • Press Kit/Display Site/Think about name/design logo (Madhur)


  • Can't ship until spotify helps us

Future features:

  • Upvotes on songs(Use a priority queue for this?)
  • QR code sign in
  • Android
  • Webapp
  • Radio based off of current playlist
  • Soundcloud
  • Google Play
  • Youtube
  • Apple Tv
  • Chromecast
  • Export playlist at the end of the party to anyone who says they want it
  • Lock Screen controls
  • Transfer host and give extra permissions

People assignments:

  • Thanasi: Learn Firebase/Frontend iOS
  • Brian: Back End(iOS)
  • Madhur: Web, Design/Displaysite/Presskit
  • Nabil: Android Backend
  • Nick: Web Backend
  • Alex: Orginization, Android