

  • Before try this app, make sure that you already installed Redis server on your PC. If not, please go to to install


  • This is Nodejs app allows get the total number of public repositories of any user on Github.
  • This app use Redis to cache the result for the first request, so from the following requests with same username, the result will be get from the memory without sending a new request to github page.

Get your hands dirty

To try this app, clone this repo and run the following commands :

  • Install all dependencies: npm i
  • Start the app: nodemon index.js
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:5000/repos/<username>, fill the username by any github username you want to see the result.
  • Example: http://localhost:5000/repos/danptit
  • The result should be like this: User danptit has 13 public repositories on Github