
Vagrant machine to automaticaly install a yii2 new project

Primary LanguageShell

Yii2 application vagrant box


  • ubuntu 12.04 32bits (precise32)
  • apache 2.4 mpm worker with fastcgi
  • php 5.5 fpm
  • mysql 5.5
  • curl & curl-php extension
  • memcached & memcache-php extension
  • composer
  • yii2 basic or advanced application

How to use

clone and init the vagrant box (you need Vagrant installed first)

$ git clone git@github.com:gusnips/vagrant-yii2.git
$ cd vagrant-yii2
$ vagrant up

ssh into the new box and create a new application

$ vagrant ssh
#Basic or advanced template? /var/www/bootstrap-basic.sh
$ sudo /var/www/bootstrap-advanced.sh

Add the domain of your new app to your hosts file

echo ' yii2app.dev admin.yii2app.dev' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
#it will add this line to /etc/hosts
# yii2app.dev admin.yii2app.dev

use above whatever domain you wanted and the box ip in your Vagrantfile

Now access www.yii2app.dev and rock'n roll

What it does

  • it run composer to create a new app using yii2 advanced or basic template
  • creates a new mysql database and user for the new app
  • change default database values to use the new ones
  • change application cache to memcache
  • add a new apache hostname for frontend and backend applications

Default Options

Default box options. edit Vagrantfile to change it

  • domains= ["yii2app.dev", "www.yii2app.dev","admin.yii2app.dev"] Vagrant box hostname
  • ip= "" Vagrant box IP
  • mysql_root_password="vagrant" Set mysql root password on installation

Default application options. Edit bootstap-advanced.sh to change it

  • mysql_root_password="vagrant" MySQL root password. The one you choose during installation.
  • domain="yii2app.dev" Domain to use.
  • domain_port="80" Port to use.
  • admin_domain="admin.yii2app.dev" Domain to use in admin. Advanced app only.
  • admin_domain_port="80" Port to use in admin. Advanced app only.
  • mysql_database="yii2app" New database name.
  • mysql_username="yii2app" MySQL username.
  • mysql_password="n3wp4ss" MySQL password.

optionally you can run the command passing the parameters

sudo /var/www/bootstap-basic.sh myp4ss mydomain.dev 80 appdb dbuser newp4ss

or for advanced template (in this order)

sudo /var/www/bootstap-advanced.sh myp4ss mydomain.dev 80 admin.mydomain.dev 80 appdb dbuser newp4ss

Remove a site

To completely remove a site run

sudo /var/www/remove-site.sh sitedomain.dev

It will undo everything bootstrap-advanced.sh and bootstrap-basic.sh did

*Use with caution