
Primary LanguageJava

[Description] There are 8 java file in our program. AES.java: contains the parse input (option, keyFile name, inputFile name). The method to check if the key is malformed. It will output the time to run. AESCrypto.java: parent class of AESDecrypt and AESEncrypt. Contains all of the method used by both classes. (i.e. addRoundKey) AESEncrypt.java: received a plaintext string and encrypt it by using the key expansion from KeyExpansion class (Each line of the inputFile will have 1 object of this class) AESDecrypt.java: Same as AESEncrypt class, but it receives a line of cipher instead (Each line of cipher will have 1 object of this class) Constants.java: used to keep all of constant data (S-Box, invert S-Box, ...) DataCrypto.java: parses the input line into an 4x4 array and create AESEncrypt object or AESDecrypt object according to the option of command line KeyExpansion.java: its object receives a string key line and converted it into an array of key expansion. (1 object for a key) Word.java: created to follow the instruction of AES Standard (its under data is an array of 4 byte = a word)

We used mixColumns code from professor.

With a file 33MB (inputFile has 1000000 lines)- I think it actually depends on computer's hardward: Encrypt speed: 6.448 MB/s Decrypt speed: 4.958 MB/s

[Finish] We finished all of the requirements

[Test Cases] [Input of test 1] [command line] java AES e keyFile testcase1 java AES d keyFile testcase1.enc

keyFile testcase1

[Output of test 1] testcase1.enc testcase1.enc.dec

[Input of test 2] [command line] java AES e keyFile testcase2 java AES d keyFile testcase2.enc

keyFile testcase2

[Output of test 2]

testcase2.enc testcase2.enc.dec

[Input of test 3] [command line] java AES e keyFile testcase3 java AES d keyFile testcase3.enc

keyFile testcase3

[Output of test 3] testcase3.enc testcase3.enc.dec

[Input of test 4] [command line] java AES e keyFile testcase4 java AES d keyFile testcase4.enc

keyFile testcase4

[Output of test 4] testcase4.enc testcase4.enc.dec