
A complete Berachain development network containerized with Docker.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Local Berachain

Local Berachain (commonly referred to as our local devnet) is a complete Berachain ecosystem containerized with Docker and orchestrated via a simple docker-compose file. It creates a simple way for smart-contract developers to test their contracts before deploying to a testnet or mainnet.

Local Berachain comes preconfigured with opinionated, sensible defaults for standard testing environments. If other projects mention testing on Local Berachain, they are referring to the settings defined in this repo.

Local Berachain has the following advantages over a public testnet:

  • Easily modifiable world states
  • Quick to reset for rapid iteration
  • Simple simulations of different scenarios
  • Controllable validator behavior
  • No need to install dependencies


Install Local Berachain

  1. Run the following commands::
git clone https://github.com/berachain/berachain-local.git
cd berachain-local
  1. Make sure your Docker daemon is running in the background and docker-compose is installed.

If running on linux, you can install these tools with the following commands:

  • docker
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install docker.io -y
  • docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-compose -y

Start, stop, and reset Local Berachain

  • Start Local Berachain:
make start

make startd # dettached mode

Your environment now contains:

  • Ethereum JSON-RPC http RPC running on http://localhost:8545
  • Ethereum JSON-RPC websocket RPC running on ws://localhost:8546
  • Tendermint GRPC running on tcp://localhost:26653
  • Tendermint RPC running on http://localhost:26657
  • Cosmos LCD running on http://localhost:1317
  • Berachain Oracle Feeder running on tcp://localhost:7171
  • Berachain Explorer running on http://localhost:3000 (coming soon)
  • Berachain Telemetry Viewer running on http://localhost:16886 (coming soon)

Your chain also now contains:

  • Wrapped Bera (WBERA) contract at 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000101
  • BerachainOracleQuerier contract at 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000999

Stop Local Berachain (and retain chain data):

make stop

Stop Local Berachain (and delete chain data):

make restart

Upgrade to latest Nightly:

make update

Configure Local Berachain

The majority of Local Berachain is implemented through a docker-compose.yml file, making it easily customizable. You can use Local Berachain as a starting template point for setting up your own local Berachain devnet with Docker containers.

Out of the box, Local Berachain comes preconfigured with opinionated settings such as:

  • ports defined for the Berachain Oracle Service (7171), Tendermint (26653, 26657), LCD (1317), EVM Http (8545), and EVM Websocket (8546)
  • standard accounts

Modifying node configuration

You can modify the node configuration of your validator in the config/config.toml and config/app.toml files.

Pro tip: Speed Up Block Time

To decrease block time, edit the [consensus] parameters in the config/config.toml file, and specify your own values.

The following example configures all timeouts to 200ms:

##### consensus configuration options #####

wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
- timeout_propose = "3s"
- timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
- timeout_prevote = "1s"
- timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
- timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
- timeout_commit = "5s"
+ timeout_propose = "200ms"
+ timeout_propose_delta = "200ms"
+ timeout_prevote = "200ms"
+ timeout_prevote_delta = "200ms"
+ timeout_precommit_delta = "200ms"
+ timeout_commit = "200ms"

Additionally, you can use the following single line to configure timeouts:

sed -E -i '/timeout_(propose|prevote|precommit|commit)/s/[0-9]+m?s/200ms/' config/config.toml

Modifying genesis

You can change the genesis.json file by altering config/genesis.json. To load your changes, restart your Local Berachain.


Local Berachain is pre-configured with one validator and 10 accounts with BERA balances.

  - name: account0
    address: bera1h2hh3lqda8hv8ekyk34034zpes2vzws9lqevg0
    ethaddress: 0xBaaF78Fc0de9eEc3e6c4B46aF8d441Cc14c13A05
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A2cYVNVpXQDe7TW+5VLh+z01ySlEZ48rHXctyYIeVmwi"}'
    privkey: 0xe521154ebe9733c29baa4f6f232cb6e7a8928b3bd85e14e95dff9fa8ca8f72b0
    mnenomic: distance lunch cereal install movie payment order body purse property hospital arrange ketchup purchase observe motion category helmet reform sample garlic usage install unfold
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account1 
    address: bera1u8d0jafyytxnphsu4cj4e0trt7cseuxkmmnyxx
    ethaddress: 0xe1daf9752422Cd30DE1CAE255Cbd635fB10cf0D6
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AtZLJyPEAA+60JxhTS81+HbFOHAzScrDw9KnEKeyjMbs"}'
    privkey: 0x577b84e5765243ce57cece5893c993297ca78f255c2b68e3d50c9d8a2213c821
    mnemonic: spring defense pencil girl success another peasant shiver silent buddy engage dice guard shield void engine laptop describe state beach tilt romance ready clog
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account2
    address: bera10r5tezfg9vsdfkfxcm47j2rjshfg68phpkknu9
    ethaddress: 0x78E8bC89282b20D4D926C6EBE9287285d28d1c37
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"Anz+5p3IKybUg4gVSfYdw3h/Ub30q0otDb8GksCD5PeB"}'
    privkey: 0x315545448acb3083e144687a0ac7d515233d4464bb8eb00cd3feeda6e7a285c6
    mnemonic: crystal bonus same mosquito cruise decade hurdle owner tooth clown trick fuel message order arm text lobster law artist more glory pencil measure soccer
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account3
    address: bera19l5fp44k6k6n53z6556j564m7jfpt7nagnwmwh
    ethaddress: 0x2fe890d6b6d5b53A445Aa5352A6AbbF49215FA7d
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ao+5jVAIGqKJX5fpHNBDQGxd2f5MFXj0s64HYkNludgS"}'
    privkey: 0xb189234091a05a861de7cabfb91ea8aa71bdfd35a4084df9cbfe76d50e95383b
    mnemonic: van wave misery chair dress cage brass enlist report knife planet demise accuse kitchen return silver make mobile noble bundle spy fade luxury talent
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account4
    address: bera1x4gkunk96ycyzpxknn2dxspnh30mwt8ne0k7ka
    ethaddress: 0x35516E4eC5d1304104D69Cd4D34033bc5fb72Cf3
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AjJWLyQS20jnC0Hy/n6A5J/9jW+Fa6M++pZ1BVYuqzAq"}'
    privkey: 0xa5a61114976c416b41788b985007459211f33e9d68612af12768e609b923a6e2
    mnemonic: lawn wool light wonder liberty negative jungle beauty include nut whisper infant burger sustain buddy sauce monitor kitchen limb boost select auction orchard fiction
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account5
    address: bera1jwtzd5667stwntcwaxnt83dr2rp0qmzxpfk23j
    ethaddress: 0x939626D35Af416e9af0EE9a6b3C5a350c2F06C46
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A7kLl1bbCVmPCvavf582U3sWepw0c/PSRzGAQ4/RDjUP"}'
    privkey: 0x3876ca9c3e5ef504cfdb28987733f74024a4b40c1dfdb4c44f9ad1c6881ab286
    mnemonic: imitate summer end fold trumpet ring tennis concert hip position breeze pond crisp spice ball base clock winner elephant kick win exchange rookie relief
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account6
    address: bera1rvadu7d67wqjvv5hjtfmlmcqnl0c8wq9xturza
    ethaddress: 0x1B3ade79baf38126329792d3bFEf009FDF83b805
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AkQuz7nbIm/id5NBBti6hmq9uSHcjtDGVpg0PqnRYX5h"}'
    privkey: 0xbc68bf9e5701160d42dd0b04f382e22641d54b6f71fc7761c7b891b99f186862
    mnemonic: gather shine enrich coral lab broccoli birth six gorilla captain life club say hedgehog dragon eagle tumble prosper image cotton beef spoon comic carpet
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account7
    address: bera1jayk3m5mz9mtdphr0hdjgjw6zhtvfkgeuxuew8
    ethaddress: 0x974968Ee9B1176b686E37DDb2449dA15D6C4d919
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AoYXaFgUIdOoweaunzs7JskV8iorh17Rt4zru0amrjvG"}'
    privkey: 0xcf7357811b16b7d18512ab7116bc150ab35e931fa5e2dd60331561cde74a2bea
    mnemonic: wide sound tail innocent cousin coast crane scatter jaguar smooth power hip enemy case only ivory chicken always corn elite truly result soup alcohol
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account8
    address: bera1gychrvuw609f7cg5a34c2z3j7lhd2ya6kf78e6
    ethaddress: 0x413171b38Ed3CA9f6114EC6b850a32f7Eed513Ba
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A14bUOwBjZeq/2+bWXQaYqMCqBYqAfWhgZKy/Y78hAQC"}'
    privkey: 0x35ba58eacca9f164c63806ee4192638c774e77564738276aaf1ccb2a6ea903e9
    mnemonic: identify camera lecture filter final fatigue bring kit high arctic ability tattoo guard glory finish river recycle much pen hedgehog only wrong taste sadness
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera
  - name: account9
    address: bera10awq6xscgpda7pqpk628yauws5etumn5we0f9q
    ethaddress: 0x7f5C0D1a18405BDF0401B69472778e8532BE6e74
    pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A3AC74U5e7mazw2krPP0oRG6f/UbVIN2pE3JbV07N5Hn"}'
    privkey: 0x38b5325f455b634a61bdf2d73ab49f8d40147ad56ecf96643c683ef8fbf637aa
    mnemonic: slender acid side nothing dirt road agree disorder erode atom negative shield theory oil denial rubber disorder palm toilet plug galaxy end prize antique
    coins: 50000000000000000000000000abera

Common issues

Docker permissions problems

In case you get permission denied while trying to run make start

make start

Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.40/containers/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

Check that the docker engine is running:

sudo systemctl status docker

If not:

# Configure Docker to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable docker.service

# Start docker service
sudo systemctl start docker.service

Ensure that the current user is in the docker group:

  1. Create the docker group and add your user
# Create the docker group
sudo groupadd docker

# Add your user to the docker group.
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  1. Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

More details can be found here.