Simple structure convention for able to write unit test

Go still have no standard project structure, each company, each team might have their own style but whatever the structure is, every project should have three layer proposed below

└── payment.go
└── payment.go
|── account.go 
|── transaction.go
└── user.go 

1. repositories

  • This layer will responsible for call to get/set resource from database, cache or 3rd api. Each file will be a model mapping to the resource e.g: user.go mapping to table user in database.
  • Handle error: do not log error here, error handling belong to the upper layer services. Use errors.Wrap(err, "unmarshal error here") for additional info.

2. services

  • This layer will do real business logic here, services will call to repositories to get/set data and mix them match to solve business logic
  • Error can be logged here if the function code is huge and complicate, otherwise just return for handlers to log.

3. handlers

  • This layer is receive request from client, validate input data. If everything is okay handlers will call to services to do the api business logic.



As of above description, upper layer will depend on lower layer: handlers depend on services; services depend on repositories, no reverse direction.

Step coding API

The step will be reverse direction of layer dependency: repositories -> services -> handlers.

Rule of thumb

Single responsibility function should do one thing and do it well.