
This repo is a boilerplate to create flutter application easily. It is based on **GetX**.

Primary LanguageDart

flutter-app boilerplate

This repo is a boilerplate to create flutter application easily. It is based on GetX. More info about GetX here. The app has been setup to work with retrofit, dio, json_annotation, intl_utils and shimmer

Getting Started

  1. Install Flutter SDK. Require Flutter 2.0
  2. Install plugins in Android Studio
  3. Clone the repo.
  4. Run flutter pub get
  5. Run flutter pub run intl_utils:generate
  6. Run flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
  7. Run app.

File structure


│   └───app_colors.dart
│   └───app_dimens.dart
│   └───app_images.dart
│   └───app_shadows.dart
│   └───app_text_styles.dart
│   └───app_themes.dart
│   └───app_configs.dart
│   └───secure_storage_helper.dart
│   └───shared_preferences_helper.dart
│   └─── ...
│   └───entities
│   │   └───user_entity.dart
│   │   └─── ...
│   └───enums
│   │   └───load_status.dart
│   │   └─── ...
│   └───params
│   │   └───sign_up_param.dart
│   │   └─── ...
│   └───response
│       └───array_response.dart
│       └───object_response.dart
│   └───api_client.dart
│   └───api_interceptors.dart
│   └───api_util.dart
│   └───route_config.dart
│   └───api
│   └───store
│   └───auth_service.dart
│   └───cache_service.dart
│   └───setting_service.dart
│   └───commons
│   │   └───app_bottom_sheet.dart
│   │   └───app_dialog.dart
│   │   └───app_snackbar.dart
│   │   └───...
│   └───pages
│   │   └───splash
│   │   │   └───splash_logic.dart
│   │   │   └───splash_state.dart
│   │   │   └───splash_view.dart
│   │   └───...
│   └───widget
│       └───appbar
│       └───buttons
│       │   └───app_button.dart
│       │   └───app_icon_button.dart
│       │   └───...
│       └───images
│       │   └───app_cache_image.dart
│       │   └───app_circle_avatar.dart
│       └───textfields
│       └───shimmer
│       └───...
│   └───date_utils.dart
│   └───file_utils.dart
│   └───logger.dart
│   └───utils.dart


The "entry point" of program. In general, main.dart contain AppMaterial, but this repo use GetMaterialApp whichs has the default MaterialApp as a child.


This folder is to store static assests like fonts and images.



This folder hold the config of your applications.



This folder contain all localized string. See more




This folder contain the route navigation


This folder contain all GetxService or any service which can not be removed from memory.



How to use

Creating a screen.

All screen should be created in the ui/pages folder User the GetX plugin to create new screen.

Example: MovieSection

Logic: movies_section_logic.dart

class MoviesSectionLogic extends GetxController {
  final state = MoviesSectionState();
  final apiService = Get.find<ApiService>();

  void fetchInitialMovies() async {
    state.loadMovieStatus.value = LoadStatus.loading;
    try {
      final result = await apiService.getMovies(page: 1);
      state.loadMovieStatus.value = LoadStatus.success;
      state.movies.value = result.results;
      state.page.value = result.page;
      state.totalPages.value = result.totalPages;
    } catch (e) {
      state.loadMovieStatus.value = LoadStatus.failure;

State: movies_section_state.dart

class MoviesSectionState {
  final loadMovieStatus = LoadStatus.initial.obs;
  final movies = <MovieEntity>[].obs;
  final page = 1.obs;
  final totalResults = 0.obs;
  final totalPages = 0.obs;

View: movies_section_view.dart

class MoviesSectionPage extends StatefulWidget {...}

class _MoviesSectionPageState extends State<MoviesSectionPage> {
  final MoviesSectionLogic logic = Get.put(MoviesSectionLogic());
  final MoviesSectionState state = Get.find<MoviesSectionLogic>().state;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Obx(() {
      if (state.loadMovieStatus.value == LoadStatus.loading) {
        return _buildLoadingList();
      } else if (state.loadMovieStatus.value == LoadStatus.failure) {
        return Container();
      } else {
        return _buildSuccessList(
          showLoadingMore: !state.hasReachedMax,

Creating api service.

  1. Create entity object in folder lib/models/entities Ex: movie_entity.dart
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'movie_entity.g.dart';

class MovieEntity {
  String? title;
  factory MovieEntity.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MovieEntityFromJson(json);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$MovieEntityToJson(this);

Class must have @JsonSerializable() for generator. Read json_serializable

  1. Define and Generate your API in file lib/networks/api_client.dart Ex: GET movies
  /// Movie
  Future<ArrayResponse<MovieEntity>> getMovies(@Query('api_key') String apiKey, @Query('page') int page);

Note: Using ArrayResponse and ObjectResponse for generic response

  1. Require run command line:
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
  1. Create api service file for your feature in folder lib/services/api Ex: movies_api.dart
part of 'api_service.dart';

extension MovieApiService on ApiService {
  Future<ArrayResponse<MovieEntity>> getMovies({int page = 1}) async {
    return _apiClient.getMovies(MovieAPIConfig.APIKey, page);

After, add part 'auth_api.dart'; to services/api/api_service

  1. You can call API in the logic of screen. Ex:
  final apiService = Get.find<ApiService>();
  final result = await apiService.getMovies(page: 1);

Support multiple Theme and Language

See SettingService class for more detail



logger.d("message"); //"💙 DEBUG: message"
logger.i("message"); //"💚 INFO: message"
logger.e("message"); //"❤️ ERROR: message"
logger.log("very very very long message");


AppSnackbar.showInfo(message: 'Info');
AppSnackbar.showWarning(message: 'Warning');
AppSnackbar.showError(message: 'Error');


          message: "An error happened. Please check your connection!",
          textConfirm: "Retry",
          onConfirm: () {
            //Do something

Button UI when call API

return Obx(() {
    return Container(
        padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20),
        child: AppTintButton(
          title: 'Sign In',
          onPressed: _signIn,
          isLoading: state.signInStatus.value == LoadStatus.loading,


https://github.com/CNAD666/getx_template/blob/main/docs/Use%20of%20Flutter%20GetX---simple%20charm!.md https://pub.dev/documentation/get/latest/