
A collection of scripts to run parameter scans of SWAT models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of scripts to run SWAT model parameter scans


You'll need:

  1. A Fortran compiler
  2. CMake
  3. SWAT
  4. R with SWATplusR installed
  5. Python 3.8 or later, with package defopt installed

How to compile the Fortran SWAT code

On Unix/Linux/Mac OSX:

git clone https://github.com/WatershedModels/SWAT.git
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . 

On mahuika, we recommend to use the Intel compiler

module load intel CMake
mkdir build
cd build
FC=ifort cmake ..
cmake --build . 

On Windows, the following should work (not tested)

mkdir build
cd build
FC=ifx cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
cmake --build .

How to install the SWATPlusR package

In R:


Key commands to prepare, execute, submit and merge experiment results

Go to the swatParallel directory

cd swatParallel

On mahuika, you'll want the R and Python modules to be loaded

source swt_mahuika.sh

Note: the versions of the mahuika modules have been specified. Consider updating these versions over time.

You'll also need to install defopt,

pip install defopt --user


swt --help
usage: swt [-h] {clean,prep,run,merge,plot} ...

positional arguments:
    clean               Clean the experiment
                        :param config: JSON configuration file
    prep                Prepare
                        :param config: JSON configuration file
                        :param num_procs: number of parallel processes
    run                 Create SLURM run script
                        :param config: configuration file
    merge               Analyse the results
                        :param config: configuration file
    plot                Plot the results
                        :param config: configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

for a list of commands.

Additional help can be obtained by typing swt <command> -h. For instance:

swt prep --help
usage: swt prep [-h] -c CONFIG [-n NUM_PROCS]

:param config: JSON configuration file
:param num_procs: number of parallel processes used for copying input files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
  -n NUM_PROCS, --num-procs NUM_PROCS
                        (default: 1)

All commands take command line argument -c <exp.json> where exp.json> is a configuration file in JSON format. Directory examples/* contains a number of example configuration files. Click here to see an example of JSON configuration file

Commands that can take a long time to complete also have the --num-procs option.

Options have a long (e.g. --help) and a short form (e.g. -h).

Clean the run directory of an experiment

If you want to start from a clean state,

swt clean -c <exp.json>

This will delete the run directory for this experiment.

Prepare an experiment

swt prep -c <exp.json>

This will create the run directory structure and create the run scripts.

Note: copying the files can be slow. You can accelerate this step by passing the -n <num_procs>. On mahuika, you can submit a job like so:

srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=8 swt prep -c examples/ex20/ex20.json -n 8

for instance, with the option -n 8 matching the --cpus-per-task=8 value passed to the SLURM scheduler. In the above, we're using 8 processes from a single node to create the 20 directories.

Create the run script

swt run -c <exp.json>

This will generate the SLURM script to launch the tasks. To submit the script, type

sbatch <run_dir>/run.sl

where <run_dir> is defined in the JSON configuration file.

You can pass additional arguments to sbatch. For instance,

sbatch --partition=milan  <run_dir>/run.sl

to run on the Milan CPUs.

Typically, run.sl will submit an array of jobs. You can track the execution of the jobs with

squeue --me

and you will see something like

squeue --me
27110315      pletzera nesi99999 python         2    512M large   May 22 21:40     1:03:12 RUNNING  wbn234              
27114447_0    pletzera nesi99999 swt-20w-8t    16    500M large   May 23 01:34       57:18 RUNNING  wbn234              
27114447_1    pletzera nesi99999 swt-20w-8t    16    500M large   May 23 01:34       57:18 RUNNING  wbn185              
27114447_2    pletzera nesi99999 swt-20w-8t    16    500M large   May 23 01:34       57:18 RUNNING  wbn185              
27114447_3    pletzera nesi99999 swt-20w-8t    16    500M large   May 23 01:34       57:18 RUNNING  wbn216              

Each job will generate a file slurm-<jobid>_<workerid>.out. It's good to inspect these files to check that the execution was successful. You can also check that the execution was successful with

sacct -j <jobid>

(Here, <jobid> is 27114447.)

Merge the experiment

Each worker will run multiple iterations of the SWAT code over different parameter scans. Once the SLURM job has sucessfully completed,

swt merge -c <exp.json>

will merge all the results into the parameter.rds and simulation.rds files under the run directory specified in the configuration file.

You can read the results in R using:

param <- readRDS("<run_dir>/parameter.rds")
simul <- readRDS("<run_dir>/simulation.rds")

where <run_dir> is run directory defined in the <exp.json> file.

An example of parameter values is:

# A tibble: 100 × 2
       CN2 ALPHA_BF
     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1   9.63    0.941 
 2 -11.2     0.329 
 3 -11.8     0.0926
 4  -3.25    0.445 
 5  -7.36    0.383 
 6 -10.6     0.945 
 7   0.917   0.133 
 8 -10.3     0.321 
 9 -14.2     0.893 
10  -2.70    0.802 
# … with 90 more rows

An example of simulation data is:

[1] "q_1" "q_2" "q_3"
  [1] "date"    "run_1"   "run_2"   "run_3"   "run_4"   "run_5"   "run_6"  
  [8] "run_7"   "run_8"   "run_9"   "run_10"  "run_11"  "run_12"  "run_13" 
 [15] "run_14"  "run_15"  "run_16"  "run_17"  "run_18"  "run_19"  "run_20" 
 [22] "run_21"  "run_22"  "run_23"  "run_24"  "run_25"  "run_26"  "run_27" 
 [29] "run_28"  "run_29"  "run_30"  "run_31"  "run_32"  "run_33"  "run_34" 
 [36] "run_35"  "run_36"  "run_37"  "run_38"  "run_39"  "run_40"  "run_41" 
 [43] "run_42"  "run_43"  "run_44"  "run_45"  "run_46"  "run_47"  "run_48" 
 [50] "run_49"  "run_50"  "run_51"  "run_52"  "run_53"  "run_54"  "run_55" 
 [57] "run_56"  "run_57"  "run_58"  "run_59"  "run_60"  "run_61"  "run_62" 
 [64] "run_63"  "run_64"  "run_65"  "run_66"  "run_67"  "run_68"  "run_69" 
 [71] "run_70"  "run_71"  "run_72"  "run_73"  "run_74"  "run_75"  "run_76" 
 [78] "run_77"  "run_78"  "run_79"  "run_80"  "run_81"  "run_82"  "run_83" 
 [85] "run_84"  "run_85"  "run_86"  "run_87"  "run_88"  "run_89"  "run_90" 
 [92] "run_91"  "run_92"  "run_93"  "run_94"  "run_95"  "run_96"  "run_97" 
 [99] "run_98"  "run_99"  "run_100"

The rows are the dates and the columns are the simulation results for each of the parameter values in parameter.rds.

Generate plots of the experiment

Once the results are merged you can plot the results with

swt plot -c <exp.json>

This will generate PDF files named .pdf under <run_dir>, where is the name of the output field (e.g. no3_load).

alt Example of a simulation plot

Configuration file format

An example of a configuration file is

    "run_dir": "./run/ex4",
    "project_dir": "../TxtInOut_Ruataniwha_test",
    "swat_exec": "../SWAT/build_intel/src/swat2012.682.ifort.rel",
    "sim": {
        "n_workers": 4,
        "n_threads_per_worker": 8,
        "input": "examples/ex4/ex4.rds",
        "output": {
            "vars" : ["FLOW_OUT.rch", "NO3_OUT.rch"],
            "units": ["1:3", "c(1,2)"],
            "names": ["q", "no3_load"],
    "scheduler": {
        "slurm": {
            "account": "nesi99999",
            "mem": "2500MB",
            "time": "00:20:00"

Note the number of workers and the number of threads per worker. The input parameters are set, here, in the examples/ex4/ex4.rds file.

The input file

The input file holds a tibble object, which sets the parameter values to change across simulations. In the following, parameters CN2.mgt and ALPHA_BF.gw are given 10 different values. The column names are important, refer to the SWATPlusR documentation for more information.

   CN2.mgt | change = abschg ALPHA_BF.gw | change = absval
1                  7.7217022                    0.95766123
2                -10.5225200                    0.26965267
3                  8.6272708                    0.13610409
4                 -4.5344573                    0.18614407
5                 -1.8126788                    0.28370613
6                  0.6298365                    0.47322254
7                 -0.8084397                    0.49547058
8                 -6.3299731                    0.29937163
9                -10.8317385                    0.04124022
10                -5.5446769                    0.27589847

These 10 rows are then split across the workers.