
Implement mean shift cluster from numpy + sklearn + GPU-pytorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mean Shift Clusstering

Implement mean shift cluster from numpy + sklearn + GPU-pytorch

  • mean-shift.py: numpy implementation for data with 2 dimension
  • mean-shift-np.py: numpy implementation for data with 3 dimension
  • mean-shift-sklearn.py: toy example using sklearn.MeanShift
  • mean-shift-pytorch.py: mean shift api for pytorch
  • mean-shift-pytorch-gpu.py: mean shift api with pytorch and gpu support


mean-shift-np (300p) mean-shift-sklean(300p)
Time 30.02 s 0.5 s
Note No use matrix operator Auto bandwidth\ Parallel with n_jobs

Mean-shift-pytorch time statistic

No data cpus time
300 1 0.4s
300 8 1.46s
3000 1 5.7s
3000 8 3.55s
30000 1 136.87s
30000 8 73.10s

Visualization on toy datasets

