
This is a Blazor WebAssembly application that displays the top 10 movies with the highest IMDb scores, and watch their trailers.

Primary LanguageHTML


This sample project is a Blazor WebAssembly application that allows users to view the top 10 movies with the highest IMDb scores, and watch their trailers. The application uses the TMDb API to retrieve the movie data, and displays it in a responsive and user-friendly UI.


The application is built using C# for the back-end and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end. It utilizes Blazor's powerful features, such as data binding and event handling, to provide a seamless user experience. The application also makes use of asynchronous programming techniques to ensure fast and efficient data retrieval.

It also uses Javascript Interop to interact with Javascript.

The project includes the source code, as well as any necessary dependencies, and can be easily run locally using Visual Studio or the .NET CLI. With proper configuration, it can also be published to a web server for public use .

Note: In order to retrieve the movie data, you need to register TMDb account and get the API Key
