VyOs Docker image build tool.
Inspired by higebu higebu/vyos
git clone https://github.com/thanhledev/vyos-docker.git
sudo chmod +x ./build_vyos.sh
./build_vyos.sh <docker_username> <vyos_url_download>
For example:
./build_vyos.sh thanhledev https://downloads.vyos.io/?dir=release/legacy/1.1.8
The directories of all VyOS ISO images can be found here: https://downloads.vyos.io/
- Pull docker image
docker pull thanhledev/vyos:latest
- Create the vyatta node in Kathara
sudo kathara vstart -n vyatta --eth 0:A 1:B 2:C 3:D 4:E --privileged --shell vbash -i thanhledev/vyos:latest
Remember to run kathara with sudo as we need to run the vyatta docker container with privileged
- Login to the vyatta node
kathara connect -v vyatta --shell vbash
- How to configure the vyatta
- We perform another login inside the node terminal:
$ login
with the following credentials: vyos/vyos
- Run the vyos commands such as:
- show configuration/interfaces...
- configure
- set interfaces ethernet eth0 address dhcp/static (
- commit
- exit
At the moment, the VyOS image support at most 5 interfaces eth0-eth4.