
WordPress Starter Theme

Primary LanguageCSS

WordPress Starter Theme

Travis CI Build Status devDependency Status

Whenever I start developing a new project, it really takes me quite a lot of time to set up neccessary tools. In this repo, I would like to share the great tools which I have been using to build the WordPress themes. Plus, they were also standardized so that I totally develop the WordPress themes with high quality.

List of tools

Globally Setup

Your Computer must setup those tools before start develop this theme:

  1. Node.js
  2. Git CMD (For Windows, you must install Git Bash)
  3. Gulp-CLI: Open CMD (on Windows) or Termnial (Mac and Linux) type npm install -g gulp-cli
  4. Sublime Text
  5. Sublime Package Control
  6. Editor Config Sublime (You can install via Sublime Package Control)

Project Setup

From the command line, navigate to the theme directory

  1. Navigate to <theme-folder>/tools/
  2. Run yarn install to install Node modules
  3. Run bower install to install front-end packages
  4. Config your project on tools/package.json
  5. Run gulp generate to generate your WordPress theme

Available Grunt Commands

When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line:

  • gulp generate — Generate a new theme
  • gulp watch — Compile assets when file changes are made
  • gulp build — Build for production

Running Travis CI

You want Travis CI to work, firstly, you need to sign in at https://travis-ci.org/ via your Github account. Then, just enable your projects by flicking the switch, and push new commit to Github.

Editor Config

Regarding Sublime Text Editor, you can install a plugin named Editor Config Sublime into Sublime via Package Control.