Inspius Test

Home test project to apply for Android Developer position

Table of contents


Project architecture

MVVM with Clean Architecture

  • Note: Controller is a component of Epoxy library that support to building a complex RecyclerView, Controller in the project act as an alternative to the RecyclerViewAdapter, not a layer in MVC. Reference link

The reason I use this architecture:

  • This is my familiar architecture
  • MVVM is recommend by Google
  • Reduce dependency between layers when compare with standard MVVM
  • Friendly package structure, when looking at a class, developer will understand immediately which package it belongs to
  • Easy to test

Project Structure

  • domain: It contains all the model class and UseCase.
  • data: Contribute data for domain layer.
  • di: Dependency providing classes using Dagger Hilt.
  • Presentation: View layer.
  • Platform: Classes to handle the tasks belong to platform (Push notification, Set alarm,...).
  • Core: Base classes.


  • Coroutines - Handle async task
  • Dagger Hilt - Dependency injection
  • Retrofit - Execute API
  • Android jetpack (ViewModel, Room, Lifecycle, Navigation,...)
  • Epoxy - To implement complex RecyclerView
  • ExoPlayer - Play video by URL
  • Glide - Image loader
  • Mockito, Truth - For testing purpose

If I had additional time

I will build these features:

  • Cached data for an interval - to prevent fetching API multiple times, and data can be displayed when the device has no internet
  • Handle error
  • Move ExoPlayer to Service, user can watch the highlights in Picture in picture mode
  • Multi language
  • UI test
  • Tablet design
  • Thinking...

How to build

./gradlew :app:installDebug