- Admin
- Login with account Root
- Management information
- Management categories (CRUD)
- Management sub-categories (CRUD)
- User
- Register account
- Login/logout, using JWT for authentication
- Expense-tracking:
- Classify money (Income, Expenses)
- Add expenses with the following details: date, category, description, and amount.
- Edit expense
- View statistic money
- Users should be able to view their expenses in a list or a chart, filter expenses by category or date range.
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Go (v1.18 or above), Echo Framework
Clone the project to local machine and go to the folder
git clone https://github.com/thanhtuan472k/expense-tracker-server cd expense-tracker-server
Clone sub module to local machine
git clone https://github.com/thanhtuan472k/expense-tracker-server cd expense-tracker-server
make setup
to install package dependencies -
Find the file
. If you don’t have it, create one following the template in/expense-tracker-server/Zookeeper.md
Update the value in that file
- External data ```shell create /expense_tracker
create /expense_tracker/admin create /expense_tracker/admin/server expense_admin create /expense_tracker/admin/port :8000
create /expense_tracker/app create /expense_tracker/app/server expense_app create /expense_tracker/app/port :8001
create /expense_tracker/mongodb create /expense_tracker/mongodb/expense create /expense_tracker/mongodb/expense/uri "mongodb://localhost:27017" create /expense_tracker/mongodb/expense/db_name "expenses"
create /expense_tracker/redis create /expense_tracker/redis/expense create /expense_tracker/redis/uri create /expense_tracker/redis/expense/auth
create /expense_tracker/admin/authentication create /expense_tracker/admin/authentication/secret_key authentication create /expense_tracker/admin/authentication/time_expired_token 15552000 // 6 months
create /expense_tracker/app/authentication create /expense_tracker/app/authentication/secret_key authentication create /expense_tracker/app/authentication/time_expired_token 15552000 // 6 months
This file should NEVER be committed to source control because it contains sensitive information
make mongo-seed
to set up the local DB (Run migration and seeding) -
make run-app
to start the server API app -
to start the server API admin
Notes: The local DB will use port 27017. If the port is being used, please change it to a different port in expense-tracker-server/Zookeeper.md
and set the value to Zookeeper Env
- More test cases for back-end
- Write some end-to-end tests
- Build and deploy to the cloud (AWS, EC2)
- Upload image