
A simple messenger, which produces and consumes messages from SQS queues, is built on top of Symfony Framework.

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony Workers

The purpose of this project is to implement Symfony messenger for GFG Seller Center which should be able to produce and consume the messages from Amazon SQS queue. The new Symfony messenger will replace the currently existing Gearman workers framework.


Project is created with:


Create an AWS SQS queue, an AWS test user who has full permissions on AWS SQS queues. Add the credentials of the user and the information of the queue to .env or env.local script at the home directory of the project.


Then, update the environment with the following command
php bin/console debug:container --env-vars

Docker deployment

  1. Build a docker container for the project
    docker-compose up
  2. Log in to the container and go to the home directory
    docker exec -t -i symfony_workers_symfony_messenger_1 /bin/bash  
    cd /home/gfg/symfony_workers  
  3. Populate the queue with messages
    php bin/console app:message:dispatcher
  4. Consume the messages from the SQS queue
    php bin/console messenger:consume

AWS Lambda deployment

We use Serverless Framework and Bref to deploy our Symfony application to AWS Lambda. Serverless provides a painless way to port everything to AWS Lambda. Just run Makefile command in the home directory.