To train model locally

rasa train --domain domain-grp/

To talk to bot in shell

rasa shell

To see bot working locally with UI

rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" 

If it gives error port 5005 already in use check with

  1. docker ps

    if your conatiner is running if yes stop it and if no container is running and it is still saying the same.

  2. rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" -p [ port-number ]

    and also make sure that this port number is also present in IDP.html in socketUrl : [ ip-address ]: [ port-number ]

To run Docker image of chatbot

you can replace sahib-bot-idp with your bot name

docker build -t sahib-bot-idp . 

docker run -it  -p 5005:5005 sahib-bot-idp:latest

If it gives an error port 5005 already in use

  1. docker run -it -p [ port-number]:5005 sahib-bot-idp:latest

This will map your localhost [ port-number ] to 5005 and that 5005 port is used by docker container But make sure that this port number is also present in IDP.html in socketUrl : [ localhost ]: [ port-number ]

To run chatbot in shell using docker container

docker run  -it --workdir /app sahib-bot-idp bash ./scripts/

To stop Docker container

docker stop <container-id>

To remove docker image

docker image rm -f sahib-bot-idp:latest

Problem we faced while connecting RASA X with Github

To connect rasa x to Github via UI RASA X expects files to be of same structure as we get after

rasa init

Prerequisites for making file

pip3 install HiYaPyCo

Means it does not support multiple domain files But What we have done is we have written a script and gave it path of all domain files so what it does is it takes all domain files combines them to make domain.yml so that we can connect RASA X to github via UI.

Now whenever we make multiple domain files before every re training run


rasa train

No need of below command now

rasa train --domain domain-grp/

To setup Rasa x on server

Use step 1,2,3,4 from below link


  1. After connecting rasa x to github ( considering we have made file structure same as rasa init) because then only rasa x connects to github.

  2. cd /etc/rasa/

  3. sudo docker-compose down

  4. Make changes to credentials.yml

  5. sudo docker-compose up -d

  6. Open the [ Ip-address ] your RASA x is working

To connect Personal Website to Server using socket io

  1. Made an Folder in server

  2. Installed rasa (rasa 2.6.0)

    pip3 install -U pip
    pip3 install rasa
  3. git pull from repo to get the latest code

  4. rasa train

  5. Open html file where you embedded the script from here ( any html file that can be present locally can be used just make sure 1. In socketUrl : [ ip-address]:5005 of server )

  6. Make sure the port you are mentioning is open ( from Server UI you can do this ) ( In our case we had to manually to open port 5005 from Azure server because rasa by default runs on port 5005 )

  7. rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" or

  8. docker build -t sahib-bot-idp .

8.a docker run -it -p 5005:5005 sahib-bot-idp:latest

To stop the Rasa Server connected via socket io

  1. lsof -i:5005 ( to see which service is running on port 5005 and what is the PID)

  2.  kill $(lsof -t -i:5005)
     kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:5005)

To stop Rasa X server

  1. cd /etc/rasa/

  2. sudo docker-compose down

SSL certificates

Install certbot

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot
  1. sudo certbot certonly -d [ domain name ].

    1.a Example --->

    sudo certbot certonly -d

  2. cd /etc/letsencrypt/archive/<domain name>/

Copy the certificates files :- Example ( copying certificates from /etc to inside our chatbot)

  1. cp /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ /home/idp-chat/idp_chatbot/certs

  2. Give Permissions to files ( Go to path where they are copied in chatbot)

    chmod +rwx cert1.pem fullchain1.pem privkey1.pem chain1.pem

  3. Give access of running command to User

Example --->

sudo chown -R chatbotadmin . ( It means give running access to username =chatbotadmin)

Make changes to HTML we will run in Browser set it's socketurl with DOMAIN NAME you BOUGHT

socketUrl: "",

  1. Command to Run Chatbot having SSL

rasa run --ssl-certificate ./certs/ --ssl-keyfile ./certs/ -m models --enable-api --cors "*"

whenever any difficulty with No spca required

  1. sudo docker system prune --volumes -a


  1. sudo docker system prune

To do

  1. Have to solve the issue of chatbot giving False Positives ( Menas correct answer for wrong answer)

  2. Permission error ( How to save model after training from docker image itself --if possible )

When RASA x doesn't gives response

  1. cd /etc/rasa
  2. sudo docker-compose down
  3. sudo docker-compose up

If you see this

First Option

  1. sudo docker system prune --all
  2. sudo docker system prune -a --volumes
  3. sudo docker volume prune -f
  4. sudo docker image prune -a

fo any help related to above commands


If Rasa X fails to train or can't upload model


1. ``` sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ```

2. sync; echo 2 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 

Now sudo docker-compose down

and then again sudo docker-compose up -d

Whenver doing rasa training make sure

  1. You have added all response selectors
  2. Made changes for those repsonse selectors in rules and config file
  3. WHen we press rasa train make sure all retrieval intents are present


TO check which files are consuming how much space

Then you will have to give More space to you VM