
This is a REST API service built with the Spring Boot framework, designed to demonstrate how to build a simple Spring Boot application that interacts with a MySQL database.

Primary LanguageJava

Rental Car Agency

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم ورَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ


Welcome to the Rental Car Agency application! This is a REST API service built with the Spring Boot framework,
that allows you to perform CRUD operations on a car rental database.
This application is designed to demonstrate how to build a simple Spring Boot application that interacts with a MySQL database and provides RESTful endpoints for client-side communication.


Technologies Used

The following technologies were used to build this application:
✅ Java 17
✅ Spring Boot 3
✅ Spring Data JPA
✅ Flyway
✅ JUnit
✅ Mockito
✅ Maven
✅ IntelliJ IDEA
✅ Postman


  • Having Java 17 or later installed.
    You can download it from Oracle's website.

  • Having MySQL DataBase installed, or you can fire up an instance of MySQL using the docker-compose file provided in the project.
    Install MySQL from MySQL's website.

  • Having a Client-Side application to communicate with the REST API endpoints.
    Install Postman from Postman's website.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using this command :
    git clone https://github.com/NidhalNaffati/Rental-Car-Agency.git
  2. Import the project into your IDE (such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse).
  3. Open the application.yml file located in src/main/resources/ and update the database credentials with your own.
  url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/RentalCarDB?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
  username: MYSQL_USERNAME
  password: MYSQL_PASSWORD
  1. Run the application as a Spring Boot application, or using the Maven plugin mvn spring-boot:run.




After running the application, you can use Postman to communicate with the REST API endpoints. Each endpoint expects a specific input format and returns a specific output format. If you want to test it out in Postman, you can import the collections located in src/test/postman/

The following endpoints are available in the API:

HTTP Method Endpoint Request Body Response Body Description
POST /api/v1/cars Car Car Create a new car
PUT /api/v1/cars/{id} Car Car Update an existing car by id
DELETE /api/v1/cars/{id} - - Delete an existing car by id
GET /api/v1/cars/{id} - Car Get an existing car by id
GET /api/v1/cars - List<Car> Get a list of all cars
GET /api/v1/cars?registrationNumber={registrationNumber} - Car Get a car by registrationNumber
GET /api/v1/cars?carName={carName} - List<Car> Get a list of cars by carName
GET /api/v1/cars?model={model} - List<Car> Get a list of cars by model
GET /api/v1/cars?kilometre={kilometre}&lesser - List<Car> Get a list of cars with kilometres lesser than or equal to kilometre
GET /api/v1/cars?kilometre={kilometre}&greater - List<Car> Get a list of cars with kilometres greater than or equal to kilometre

HTTP Method Endpoint Request Body Response Body Description
POST /api/v1/customers Customer Customer Create a new customer
PUT /api/v1/customers/{id} Customer Customer Update an existing customer by id
DELETE /api/v1/customers/{id} - - Delete an existing customer by id
GET /api/v1/customers/{id} - Customer Get an existing customer by id
GET /api/v1/customers - List<Customer> Get a list of all customers
GET /api/v1/customers?name={email} - Customer Get a customer by email
GET /api/v1/customers?name={name} - List<Customer> Get a list of customers by name

HTTP Method Endpoint Request Body Response Body Description
POST /api/v1/dealers Dealer Dealer Create a new Customer
PUT /api/v1/dealers/{id} Dealer Dealer Update an existing dealer by id
DELETE /api/v1/dealers/{id} - - Delete an existing dealer by id
GET /api/v1/dealers/{id} - Dealer Get an existing dealer by id
GET /api/v1/dealers - List<Dealer> Get a list of all dealers
GET /api/v1/dealers?name={email} - Dealer Get a dealers by email
GET /api/v1/dealers?name={name} - List<Dealer> Get a list of dealers by name

HTTP Method Endpoint Request Body Response Body Description
POST /api/v1/transactions Transaction Transaction Create a new Transaction
GET /api/v1/transactions - List<Transaction> Get a list of all transactions

Knowledge Gained

In this project, I learned how to build a REST API using Spring Boot and how to use Spring Data JPA to interact with a MySQL database.

  • Spring Boot 3 basics and how to use it to build a REST API.
  • Following the RESTful API design principles.
  • Using Spring Data JPA to interact with a MySQL database.
  • Flyway for database migrations.
  • Server and Client Side Error Handling.
  • Validating user inputs or JSON object using Spring Boot Validation.
  • Unit Testing using JUnit and Mockito.
  • Integration Testing using Spring Boot Test.
  • Dealing with Data using Spring Data JPA.
    • Fetching data using a GET api.
    • Sending data from a FORM using a POST api.
    • Editing an existing object using a PUT api
    • Deleting an existing product using a DELETE api


  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch for your changes.
  4. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
  5. Push your changes to your GitHub account.
  6. Create a pull request from your branch to the original repository's main branch.
  7. Wait for the maintainers to review and merge your changes.

When making contributions, please keep the following in mind:

  • Follow the code style and formatting guidelines used in the project.
  • Write clear and concise commit messages that explain the changes you made.
  • Make sure your changes do not break existing functionality.
  • Write tests for new code and ensure that all existing tests pass.


You are allowed to use, copy, modify, and distribute the code freely, just don't create a bomb or something like that xD