
User has the option to search for businesses/locations near their location via HTML5 Geolocation API, or enter a destination to search near. Results, business information, and user tips are taken from Foursquare API and displayed using Google Maps API V3.

Primary LanguageRuby


10/14/15 - Added functionality to view photos from venues.

User has the option to search for businesses/locations near their location via HTML5 Geolocation API, or enter a destination to search near. Results, business information, and user tips are taken from Foursquare API and displayed using Google Maps API V3.

findthat allows you to view any venue near your current location, and either checkin, view comments, or like the venue so you can remember to stop by next time!

Ever go somewhere and have a great time? Make sure to "Like" the venue, so you can remember to visit it again when your in the area.

Planning a trip? Make sure to checkout the best bars, and restaurants before you go using findthat

  • Search venues based on search term either nearby or enter a location.
  • Mobile friendly design using Bootstrap for Rails Gem makes for native app feel.
  • View tips from foursquare to help decide where to go.
  • Check-in at an unlimited amount of venues.
  • Like a venue so you can remember to visit it again.

The app is built using Ruby on Rails 4, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap 3, HTML 5 Geolocation, Foursquare API V2, and the Google Maps API V3.

Visit findthat at findthat.herokuapp.com<


Google Developer Docs helped me get started on this project. I quickly learned that Google Maps API V3 is a very large and powerful API with endless capabilities.

Foursquare is a great resource for location based searches, as they have a massive user submitted database of venues.