Test created for mailerlite hiring process.


The app has a backend in php which uses some illuminate packages mainly inspired from Laravel's echosystem. The frontend is created using 'VueJs 3'


  1. Download the project or git clone
  2. Create .env file from .env.example file and adjust database parameters
  3. In order to start php and serve the api, you have to configure the toVUE_APP_API_URL, with /api suffix, which is located in .env
  4. Run composer install to fetch php packages and npm install to download node packages.
  5. Now in order to start up frontend, you'll have to run from root folder serve -l 9000 ./dist/ (change 9000 depending tyo your needs)
  6. Start php server php -S localhost:8080 -t public/ (you can change 8080 depending your needs but change accordingly to .env in order to match as frontend uses this url as base api url)
  7. Open your browser and navigate in and you're ready
  8. In order to use database i've included database/mailerlite.full.sql which has pre-inserted the fields