- A Review form along with a graph of all the trending products.
- The project was built using the best React practices and EcmaScript Standards
- SASS was used for styling - Why SASS? Because of its convenient to create mixins, variables and other benefits it provides.
- React Hooks was used to create the complete logic
- Bar Chart was built using custom javascript (react) and sass instead of using a package because of its simplicity.
- Includes basic Form Validation
- Cypress was used for testing - Why? Because cypress gives a visual representation of the navigation and interaction which a user will possible go through. If any of the test cases fails, that shows something has gone wrong or changed.
- npm install
- npm start
- npm run test
- React - Js Library
- SASS - Styling
- Cypress - End to End Testing
- Load More button for all comments, when there are 100's of comments.
- Character limit in the Comment field
- Animation on hover on the graph or even use Chart.js for better interaction
- Animation over the rating star on hover
- Custom Form Validation for each fields
- Use Styled Components or CSS/SASS Modules instead of plain sass