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This is a WIP project, please don't use it as is.

This application used as template to build the jhipster-dotnetcore generator. The objective is port JHipster to the .Net core platform thus be able to generate a .Net Core monolith application.



This project acts as a library. It contains transverse concerns such as Pagination, Config management, etc. In the future, this project will be moved to a dedicate repository and packaged as "classic" nuget dependency.

The development rules are:

  1. Avoid to write code, you should rely on the .Net Core ecosystem as much as possible.
  2. Do not try to reimplement Spring in .Net. Spring is a huge and complete platform if there is missing parts on the .Net world, use Spring as an inspiration, isolate the missing missing and be pragmatic.


The app is the C#/.Net Core translation of the JHipster Sample App.

The development rules are:

  1. Stay aligned with JHipster policies (use default configuration, use explicit versions, etc.)
  2. Follow C#/.Net Core conventions (casing, namespaces names, DI, etc.)
  3. Be explicit and do not use dark magic (weird reflection, assembly scanning etc).


The test project is the C#/.Net Core translation of the JHipster Sample App backend end to end test.

The development rules are:

  1. The priority is to cover 100% of the Java tests (usually mapping 1:1).
  2. You can remove some tests if implies a standard usage of the C# language.
  3. You can add test if you re-code a feature normally covered by Spring.


To run the solution tests, simply run: dotnet test

Running the app in a Docker container

  1. Build the Docker image of the app
docker build -f "[Dockerfile path]" -t [An image name]:[A tag] "[Application root path]"
  1. Run your image in a Docker container
docker run -d -p [A host port]:80 [Image name]:[Image tag]
  1. Open your favorite browser at localhost:[Chosen host port] and enjoy ! 🐳