Better YouTube Shorts

You can control your YouTube shorts with playback controls just like a normal YouTube video!



  • Seeking 5 seconds backward and forward with J and L respectively
  • Decrease and increase playback with U and O respectively, change in speed carry over to next/previous videos
  • Revert to normal speed with I or by clicking the button
  • Increase and decrease volume with the volume slider or with + and -, mute audio with M
  • Mini timestamp and speed above the like button

Future Implementation

This is a very new extension so feel free to make suggestions. I might not have the time to develop the extension extensively so PR are welcomed!

  • Bug: Typing in search bar also triggers seeking
  • Feature: Slider bar


MIT License


Hi this is just a iteration of the original works done by the above amazing people. I just tinkered it for me and my friends. cheers