
Data Crawler for extracting statistics from CoinSpot

Primary LanguagePython

CoinSpot Data Crawler

The purpose of this project is to extract the data from the CoinSpot crypto currency trading platform.

The URL is https://www.coinspot.com.au/tradecoins which has a table with the prices of multiple crypto currencies.


Create a virtual environment, activate it and then install the requirements.

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


To execute, you can do it in two ways. Using runspider or crawler.

(venv) $ scrapy runspider crawler/spiders/coinspot.py
(venv) $ scrapy crawl coinspot

You can save scraped items in a file. Add -o FILE to the command line. These formats are supported (check scrapy docs):

  • JSON
  • JSON lines
  • CSV
  • XML

For example, to generate the CSV file you can run the following command -

(venv) $ scrapy crawl coinspot -o test_data.csv

Scraped Items

  • code_name: Coin Code name
  • name: Coin name
  • buy: Buying rate
  • sell: Selling rate
  • market_cap: Market Cap
  • volume: Volume (24 hours)
  • change: Change Rate (24 hours)