
The NDVI Time-Series Analyzer is a Python script that calculates and visualizes the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for given geospatial points over a specified time range using Sentinel-2 L2A imagery.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

NDVI Time-Series Analyzer

The NDVI Time-Series Analyzer is a Python script that calculates and visualizes the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for given geospatial points over a specified time range using Sentinel-2 L2A imagery.

NDVI Time-Series Analyzer


  • os
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • geopandas
  • plotly.express
  • scipy
  • datetime
  • satsearch
  • shapely
  • rio_tiler
  • loguru
  • joblib


  1. Ensure you have all the dependencies installed.
  2. Clone/download the repository.

How to Use

  1. Prepare a GeoJSON file named points.geojson in the root directory. This should contain the geospatial points you want to analyze.
  2. Adjust the start_year and end_year variables at the end of the script to set your desired date range.
  3. Run the script.


  • get_pixel_value(urls, lon, lat, datetime): Retrieves the pixel value for specified bands at the given coordinates.

  • process_period(id, start_year, end_year, geometry): Processes a specified date range for a given point, fetching and analyzing satellite data.

  • plot_ndvi(df): Calculates, smoothes, and visualizes the NDVI values over time.

  • execute(start_year, end_year, geojson_file): Main execution function that reads in the GeoJSON data and triggers the data processing and visualization.

Constants Configuration

  • COLLECTION: Name of the satellite data collection.
  • CLOUD_COVER_LIMIT: Maximum acceptable cloud cover percentage for satellite data.


  • This script currently only supports points in the GeoJSON file.
  • Ensure that the points.geojson file has a column named 'ID'.
  • Data fetching and processing may take some time depending on the date range and number of points.