
Automatic Watering System is a smart watering system to water the plants using Raspberry Pi. In this ultrasonic sensor will check the water level and if the sufficient amount of water is available then soil moisture sensor will check the moisture within the soil. If the soil is dry then the pump will be turned on automatically to supply water. If the soil contains water or moisture then pump will be turned off automatically to stop supply of water. If sufficient amount of water is not available then pump will be turned off till sufficient amount of water gets available.

It also includes a website so that user can monitor the system remotely. Website provides basic monitoring functionality such as checking soil status, last water supplied, water supplied today and history of all the pump and watering operations. This system has a number of applications like this can be used in farms, house olds, used in botanical garden & nursery.

Hardware Requirement:

• Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

• 4 Phase Relay

• Ultrasonic Sensor

• Soil Moisture Sensor

• Submersible Pump

• Breadboard

• Jumper Wires

• Resistors

The Web Application Stack:

Web Application Stack