
A thin OOP-friendly wrapper of Evernote Ruby SDK.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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A thin OOP-friendly wrapper of Evernote Ruby SDK.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'evernote_utils'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install evernote_utils


If you don't have your Evernote API Key yet, get it from Evernote Developers Page.

Note that you should send "Activation Request" to access production data. Please check Frequently Ask Questions - Evernote Developers.

Then authenticate user's Evernote account via OAuth. Instruction is here: Getting Started with the Evernote API - Evernote Developers

EvenoteUtils don't support authentication feature, because dominant other options are available. For instance:



First, initialize ENUtils with an OAuth token credential identifier.

enutils = ENUtils::Core.new('oauth-token-credential-identifier')

# If you want to work on sandbox, pass false to a 2nd argument.
enutils = ENUtils::Core.new('oauth-token-credential-identifier', false)

OAuth token credential identifier looks something like:


Then you can access Evernote resources.

enutils.notes # => <ENUtils::NoteList ...>

It returns ENUtils::NoteList instance. ENUtils::NoteList is an enumerable collection of ENUtils::Note. ENUtils::Note is just a thin wrapper of Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note.

Here, ENUtils#notes accepts following options to search notes:

  • notebook
  • tag, tags
  • words (fulltext search api)
  • order (:created, :updated, :relevance, :update_sequence_number, :title)
  • asc (true/false)
  • offset (default 0)
  • limit (default 10, max 50 (due to Evernote API restriction))
# Search notes by free words.
enutils.notes(words: 'clojure install')

# Search notes by notebook and tag names.
result = enutils.notes(notebook: 'inbox', tag: 'mytag')

result.count       #=> 10  ... 'result' contains 10 notes for now.
result.total_count #=> 210 ... How many results EverNote has on your account.

# 10 is default search limit. You can overwrite limit by passing option 'limit'. 
enutils.notes(notebook: 'inbox', tag: 'mytag', limit: 50)

# Sorting result whould be nice.
enutils.notes(tag: 'mytag', order: :updated, asc: false)

# BTW 'tags' option also available to search by multiple tags. Pass an array of tags to it.
enutils.notes(tags: ['java', 'clojure'])

Actually, 'words' option is flexible enough to search notes by names of notebook and tag, same as official Evernote Desctop application.

# Just passing notebook/tag(s) names to 'words' option would work.
enutils.notes(words: 'oauth notebook:Blog tag:ruby tag:tips')

ENUtils#notebooks and ENUtils#tags accept name filtering. You can use String or Regexp.

enutils.notebooks(name: 'Twitter') #=> [<ENUtils::Notebook ...>, ...]
enutils.tags(name: /ruby/i)        #=> [<ENUtils::Tag ...>, ...]

These methods return an array of ENUtils::Notebook and ENUtils::Tag, respectively. By passing them ENUtils::Core#notes searches notes as described above.

# You can also use instances of ENUtils::Notebook and ENUtils::Tag when searching notes.
notebook = enutils.notebooks(name: /Book/).first
tag      = enutils.tags(name: 'language').first
enutils.notes(notebook: notebook, tag: tag, words: 'beginners\' guide')

create note

enutils.create_note(title: 'create new note',
                    notebook: enutils.notebook('Inbox'))

require 'opne-uri'
enutils.create_note(title: 'Clip from website',
                    notebook: enutils.notebook('Inbox'),
                    content: open('https://github.com').read,
                    from_html: true)

update note

notebook = enutils.notebook('Inbox')
tags = enutils.tags.take(2)

# set ENUtils::Notebook instance or notebookGuid
note.notebook = notebook
# set ENUtils::Tag instances or tagGuids
note.tags = tags

note.title = 'some new title'

note.save #=> save to Evernote Cloud

crete tag

enutils.create_tag(name: 'mytagname')

Planning to do

  • ENutils::Note#content simple access