
Powerful shell implemented by vim.

Primary LanguageVim Script

INTRODUCTION						*vimshell-introduction*

USAGE							*vimshell-usage*

You can start VimShell with ":VimShell". VimShell works just like a common 
shell so you should be able to use it intuitively.

Please note that VimShell uses '/' as a path separator regardless of 
environment. Because of this VimShell will likely interpret the Windows '\' 
path separator as an escape character.

INSTALL							*vimshell-install*

vimshell requires |vimproc|

Please install vimproc Ver.5.0(or later) before using vimshell.
As part of the installation of vimproc you will need to make proc.so

Make method:

* Mingw: >
	$ make -f make_mingw.mak

* Mac OS X: >
	$ make -f make_mac.mak

* Linux BSD: >
	$ make -f make_gcc.mak

* Visual Studio: >
	$ make -f make_msvc.mak

* Cygwin: >
	$ make -f make_cygwin.mak

After compilation, copy autoload/vimproc.vim and autoload/vimproc/parser.vim and
autoload/proc.so(or proc.dll) to your vim autoload directory.
Note: "proc.dll" compiled in the Cygwin environment is only compatible with 
Cygwin Vim and can't be used in Windows Vim.