Setting up the project

  1. Setup the project (pull into your local)
  2. Create a venv
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up and getting the Docker up and running

  1. Download docker from -
  2. Complete the docker setup
  3. Run docker desktop application in your local
  4. In the docker-compose.yml file in the project replace the ip-address with your local machine ip address
  5. To get the local machine IP run ipconfig command in cmd
  6. In the cmd run docker-compose up -d

You can see your docker running in the docker desktop application.

Running the producer

  1. Run the app/main/producer/ file from the project
  2. This will read the data from app/data/input/mock_data.json and produce messages in a Kafka topic (which is configured in the app/main/ file)

Running the consumer

  1. Run the app/main/consumer/ file from the project
  2. This will read the data from the Kafka topic in a PySpark dataframe and save results to multiple csv (app/data/output/mock_data)
  3. One of the method will write the result to another Kafka topic

Setting up Offset Explorer

  1. This is a free tool to get an overview of our Kafka cluster
  2. Download it from -
  3. Create a new connection and set the variables as follows -
    1. Cluster name - can be anything
    2. Zookeeper Host - localhost
    3. Zookeeper Port - 22181
    4. Under Advanced -> Bootstrap servers - :29093

Whenever you create a topic while running our project that topic can be seen here and also the number of messages in that topic.

You can also check the messages in a Kafka topic using the following approach -

  1. Open PowerShell of CMD
  2. Run docker ps
  3. Run docker exec -it kafka-kafka-1 bash where kafka-kafka-1 is the name of the docker
  4. Run cd /bin
  5. To consume from a Kafka topic - kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server <your-ip>:29093 --topic data-stream-output --from-beginning