A hubot script to show what users are listening to.
It can also handle an optional URL field.
Klaw > hubot nowplaying klaw
Hubot > Justin Beiber - Never say Never
npm install hubot-usernowplaying
# Add "hubot-usernowplaying" to external-scripts.json
It works off of hubot-brain, but I believe that's default in Hubot now?
Figure out a way to post "song=Justin Bieber - Never say Never" "url=https://open.spotify.com/track/5GYbkDveRD2I8M5ZJ14hWn"
curl --data "song=Justin Beiber - Never Say Never" --data "url=https://open.spotify.com/track/5GYbkDveRD2I8M5ZJ14hWn" http://[hubot-instance]:8080/hubot/nowplaying?user=klaw
I included a guide on how to get scripts to do this with Spotify on Linux and OSX