
Collection of various snippets/files that I made.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Collection of various snippets/files that I made or improved. Requires a copy-paste or from file import * to work properly.

Safe eval function which uses non-recursive methods to check for invalid names.

Assign to variable with a string using its id.

Used to list PAW Patrol episodes (with a twist). a, b, and c can be replaced with a requests.get from the relationship fandom.

Hexdump program (ONLY ON WINDOWS). Modifiable specifications. Supposed to be run as a command or run as:

py hexdump.py [options] file.extension

If file has no extension, it can be simply run as file. Full help message shown when run without arguments or as py hexdump.py -?.

Decorator to "throw away" extra unpacking values. Works like such:

from throwaway import throwaway_extra_unpack

def a(x):
    b, c, d = x
    return b, c, d

print(a([1,2,3,4])) # (1, 2, 3)

Can also be used with variables in for loops.

Python preprocessor. To be used like this:

$def macro_name everything else in this line is part of the macro
$def macro_func_name1() macro function
$def macro_func_name2(param_list,) doesn't need a trailing comma
$del macro_name
# everything after $del must only be the macro name
# to be used in code like this (macro_name must be defined using `$def`) (is not just limited to print()):
print($macro_func_name2(a, b, c)$)

To compile with preprocessing, use preprocessor_compile(s) or compile(py_preprocessor(s)).

Python decompiler. To be given a compiled code argument and it will return a string that should, when executed, do the exact same thing as the compiled code argument. Is currently unfinished and only works for an early version of Python 3.11.0a2.

Same as decompiler.py but only works in Python 3.11.0a7.

Multinomial theorem expander.

Python to Lua transpiler. To use, do this:

from pylua import lua_transpiler
python_code_as_string = ...
unparsed_vanilla_lua_code = lua_transpiler(python_code_as_string)
unparsed_roblox_lua_code = lua_transpiler(python_code_as_string, luau=True)

Overloading for Python functions. To be used like this:

from dynamic_dispatch import dynamic_dispatch

def baz(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    return x + y

def baz(x: int, y: float) -> float:
    return x * y

print(baz(2, 3)) # baz(x: int, y: int)
                 # output: 5
print(baz(2, 7.5)) # baz(x: int, y: float)
                   # output: 15.0

(Credits to <@!310449948011528192> (@dzshn#1312) for the original 3.10 code)
Mutate code in runtime. Works in 3.11 only. To be used like this:

from runtime_mutate import mutate

def uhm():
    x = 143
        LOAD_CONST,      7,
        STORE_FAST,      "a",
        LOAD_FAST,       "x",
        COPY,            1,
        LOAD_FAST,       "a",
        BINARY_OP,       "+",
        BINARY_OP,       "*=",
        STORE_FAST,      "x",
    return x

print(uhm()) # 21450

(Credits to <@!575681145929203724> (@denball#1376) for the original 3.10 code)
Inline variables, globals, builtins, and replace constants. Works in 3.11 only. To be used like this:

from dis import dis
from inline import inline_globals, inline_var

s = 5

@inline_var('c', 5, check_store=2, inline_arg=False)
def g(a, b):
    global s
    s += 7
    c += 2
    return a + b + c + s

print(g(5, 6))
# `print(s)` (first one): 5
# `print(s)` (second one): 12
# result: 30

Note that there should not be s += 7 or c += 2 in the bytecode.

Python code obfuscator. To be used like this:

from obfuscator import UnparseObfuscate

obfuscate = UnparseObfuscate() # obfuscator = UnparseObfuscate(taken=False)
                               #: use above for "no walrus" mode
output = obfuscate.o('"abc"') #: the `o` method means "obfuscate this string"
print(output) #: depends on Python version



Private- actually protected- attribute metaclass. To be used like this:

from privattr import Private

class Foo(metaclass=Private):
    attr1: Private
    attr2: Private

Python object stack manipulator (3.11). Works like this:

from stack import get_stack

def f():
    return (7, get_stack().pop())

print(f()) # (5, 7)

Check if a number is prime. Requires /c_extensions/cc.c.

Get the line(s) of code of a specific statement, along with its start and end line. Works only for Python 3.8+ and with (temporary) Python files. To be used like this:

from get_code import get_line_and_code
a = get_line_and_code()[2]
print(a) # a = get_line_and_code()[2]

A VM made in Python to display text generated with pseudo-assembly instructions for Advent of Code 2022, Day 10. Used like:

python vm.py <columns> "<symbols>" <lines>
<input from stdin>

A thing (pysuper.Super) that replicates built-in super(). Python 3.11 only.

A Python code golfer. To be used like this:

import ast
from astgolfer import RewriteExpression, GolfUnparser

code = "[int(bb) for bb in aokfoasfal]"
tree = ast.parse(code)
tree = ast.fix_missing_locations(RewriteExpression(use_map=True).visit(tree))

print(GolfUnparser().visit(tree)) # [*map(int,aokfoasfal)]

Expands rational numbers with a number p which satisfies 2 <= p <= 62. To be used like this:

from padic_expansion import itoo # means input-to-output

print(itoo('3 -5/11 15')) # 110021100211002
print(itoo_cycle('3 -5/11')) # (11002)

Get 2 n-digit numbers (3rd argument to .get_min_digits, defaults to length of first argument floor divided by 2) in a list of digits which have the least difference between them. Example:

from min_diff_digits import get_min_digits
print(get_min_digits("234678")) # (39, ['4', '2', '6'], ['3', '8', '7'])
print(get_min_digits("1234567890")) # (247, ['5', '0', '1', '2', '3'], ['4', '9', '8', '7', '6'])

A thing (pybuild_class.build_class) that replicates built-in __build_class__(). Python 3.11 only.

Gets required minutes (or messages) to reach a certain level or XP using current XP amount (Polaris system, coefficients to cubic function can be provided, by default MEE6 configuration). Example:

from get_minutes import init_funcs
init_funcs() # initialize
print(get_required_minutes_exp(100, 0)) # amount of minutes/messages required to get level 100 from level 0; provides output in nonsimulated, simulated (cryptographically secure), and simulated (normal pseudorandom)


needed_exp = 1899250.0
NOTE: have to wait 1m for a message to get exp again

Best case: 52d 18h 10m (75970 messages)
Worst case: 87d 22h 17m (126617 messages)

average time (nonsimulated, 20 exp / message): 65d 22h 43m (94963 messages)

    average time (simulated, cryptographically secure): 65d 22h 49m (94969 messages)

    average time (simulated, normal pseudorandom): 65d 22h 38m (94958 messages)

Generate the electron configuration for a specific atomic number. Interactive mode (py electronconfig.py) accepts both names, abbreviations, and atomic numbers. Example (for non-interactive mode):

from electronconfig import config_to_print, gen_config, parse_element_string
print(gen_config(5), config_to_print(5)) # [(1, 's', 2), (2, 's', 2), (2, 'p', 1)] 1s²2s²2p¹
number = parse_element_string('boron')[0]
print(gen_config(number), config_to_print(number)) # [(1, 's', 2), (2, 's', 2), (2, 'p', 1)] 1s²2s²2p¹

Example (for interactive mode):

> sodium cl o 6
EC sodium = 1s²2s²2p⁶3s¹
EC cl (chlorine) = 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁵
EC o (oxygen) = 1s²2s²2p⁴
EC 6 (carbon) = 1s²2s²2p²

Check if the function is the final one being called in the decorator (e.g. func in @func, result of func() in @func()). Works only in 3.11.

Punnett square generation in Python. For example, this:

from punnett_square import gen_punnett, string_gen_punnett
traits = {'R': 'Round', 'r': 'Wrinkled', 'Y': 'Yellow', 'y': 'Green'}
print(string_gen_punnett(gen_punnett('Rr', 'RR', traits=traits)))
print(string_gen_punnett(gen_punnett('RrYy', 'RrYy', traits=traits)))

Outputs this:

    |     R      |     R      |
| R | RR (Round) | RR (Round) |
| r | Rr (Round) | Rr (Round) |

Genotype Ratio:
  2 :2

Phenotype Ratio:
  Round : 4

     |         RY          |         Ry          |           rY           |           ry           |
| RY | RRYY (Round/Yellow) | RRYy (Round/Yellow) | RrYY (Round/Yellow)    | RrYy (Round/Yellow)    |
| Ry | RRYy (Round/Yellow) | RRyy (Round/Green)  | RrYy (Round/Yellow)    | Rryy (Round/Green)     |
| rY | RrYY (Round/Yellow) | RrYy (Round/Yellow) | rrYY (Wrinkled/Yellow) | rrYy (Wrinkled/Yellow) |
| ry | RrYy (Round/Yellow) | Rryy (Round/Green)  | rrYy (Wrinkled/Yellow) | rryy (Wrinkled/Green)  |

Genotype Ratio:
   1  : 2  : 2  : 4  : 1  : 2  : 1  : 2  : 1

Phenotype Ratio:
     Round/Yellow : 9
      Round/Green : 3
  Wrinkled/Yellow : 3
   Wrinkled/Green : 1

Original idea from <@!396290259907903491> (Ava#4982). Decorator to make a class from a function (doesn't necessarily turn the function into a class). Example:

from make_class import make

def MyClass():
    def __init__(self, first, second):
        self.first = first
        self.second = second
    def sum(self):
        return self.first + self.second

a = MyClass(1, 2)
print(a.sum()) # 3

Solve the equation Ax + By = C in a way that (x, y) has the minimum possible distance to (0, 0). Example:

from minsolve_linear import solve

# solve 8x - 2y = 14
print(solve(14, 8, -2)) # (2, 1)

Original idea from <@!1060338987694293052> (zombiiess). Properties outside of a class. Currently only supports globals. Example:

from oproperty import init, oproperty


def f(): return 5

print(f) # 5

Original idea from <@!241962659505766402> (programming_enjoyer). Incrementing operator. Works for <3.12 and requires the einspect package is installed. Example:

import increm
a = 2
print(a, --a, a, ++a, a) # 2 1 1 2 2

Do note that anything past the first two chained -/+ will NOT be interpreted as an increment, so ++++a will only do the equivalent of +(+(a := a + 1)) in normal Python.

I made this because I was bored and I had no internet. Tried to make a thing where eventually all the values balance out but that... something is wrong with the formulas for now. Enjoy.

Original idea from <@!88336074710982656> (L3viathan). Get a variable's (qualified) name. Works on 3.11+. Example:

from varname import varname

class A:
    a = 5

print(varname(A.a), varname(A)) # A.a A

Utility function for autogenerating code in /c/getfreer.c.

Renamer class and function. Works like so:

from renamer import rename

src = "_ = 5"
print(rename(src)) # A = 5

More descriptive examples might be provided in the future.

Dunder obfuscation deobfuscator class utilizing renamer.Renamer.

scinum.py, vectors.py
Quality-of-life classes to help with my Physics classes. May be slow. Example:

from vectors import Vector
a = Vector(35, direc=25, n_SF=-1)      # 35N, 25° N of E
b = Vector(15, direc=90 - 10, n_SF=-1) # 15N, 10° E of N
# prints in the format of (x, y) | magnitude -> direction (in degrees)
print(a + b) # (35, 30) | 46 -> 41°