
Given two EXR stills of a color chart, this program finds the best fit 3x3 matrix and bias that converts the Source to the Destination image.

Primary LanguagePython


This script takes two scene linear images of a color chart and derives a best-fit RGB matrix that makes the "Source" image as similar to the "Target" image as possible.


Install the needed libraries with pip install -r requirements.txt and run with python camera_matcher.py and follow the instructions.


Given an RGB (3-dimensional) color patch x from the Source image and a RGB color patch y from the Target image, we suppose that y ~ A(x + b), where b is either 1-dimensional or 3-dimensional, and A is a 3x3 matrix. The b term exists to handle any flare or reflections that was introduced or removed between the capture of the two images. We use gradient descent to identify the parameters A and b.

Unit Tests

  • Run linter with mypy *.py src tests
  • Run unit tests with pytest --cov tests
  • Reformat code with black .