Typescript implementation of basic RDF model, utils and rdf store with SPARQL 1.1 support. This library is work in progress. Contributions are very welcome. Main goal is to implement in memory rdf store with SPARQL 1.1 support.
npm install --save rdflib-ts
RDFLib.ts contains set of model classes which can be used to represent rdf terms.
- BlankNode
- PlainLiteral
- LangLiteral
- TypedLiteral
- Namespace
- NTriple
- NQuad
Each rdf term model class (BlankNode, IRI, PlainLiteral, LangLiteral, TypedLiteral) has value
property and overrides toSting()
which return RDF formatted value.
import { NamespaceManagerInstance, BlankNode, IRI, TypedLiteral, LangLiteral, NTriple, NQuad } from 'rdflib-ts';
NamespaceManagerInstance.registerNamespace('ex', 'http://example.org#');
let alice = new IRI('ex:Alice');
console.log(alice.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice>
console.log(alice.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(alice.relativeValue); // Alice
let knows = new IRI('ex:knows');
console.log(knows.toString()); // <http://example.org#knows>
console.log(knows.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(knows.relativeValue); // knows
let anonymous = new BlankNode('b1');
console.log(anonymous.toString()); // _:b1
let about = new IRI('ex:about');
console.log(about.toString()); // <http://example.org#about>
console.log(about.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(about.relativeValue); // about
let aboutAlice = new LangLiteral('Alice is some random girl', 'de');
console.log(aboutAlice.toString()); // "Alice is some random girl"@de
let age = new IRI('ex:age');
console.log(age.toString()); // <http://example.org#age>
console.log(age.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(age.relativeValue); // age
let aliceAge = new TypedLiteral('24', 'xsd:integer');
console.log(aliceAge.toString()); // "24"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer>
let exampleGraph = new IRI('ex:graph');
console.log(exampleGraph.toString()); // <http://example.org#graph>
console.log(exampleGraph.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(exampleGraph.relativeValue); // graph
let triple = new NTriple(alice, knows, anonymous);
console.log(triple.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice> <http://example.org#knows> _:b1 .
let quad = new NQuad(alice, about, aboutAlice, exampleGraph);
console.log(quad.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice> <http://example.org#about> "Alice is some random girl"@de <http://example.org#graph> .
import { BlankNode } from 'rdflib-ts';
let blankNode1 = new BlankNode('blankNode1');
console.log(blankNode1.value); // blankNode1
console.log(blankNode1.toString()); // _:blankNode1
// If value contains _: it will be removed, in memory term values
// don't contain RDF serialization artifacts, there are appended during serialization
let blankNode2 = new BlankNode('_:blankNode2');
console.log(blankNode2.value); // blankNode2
console.log(blankNode2.toString()); // _:blankNode2
// If no value provided, it will be generated (auto incremented)
let b0 = new BlankNode();
console.log(b0.value); // b0
console.log(b0.toString()); // _:b0
let b1 = new BlankNode();
console.log(b1.value); // b1
console.log(b1.toString()); // _:b1
let invalidBlankNode = new BlankNode('11#.00--'); // Throws FormatError
import { IRI } from 'rdflib-ts';
// When using this form, target namespace must be registered within
// NamespaceManagerInstance in order to be resolve. XSD, RDF and RDFS
// are registered by default
let fromRelative = new IRI('xsd:integer');
console.log(fromRelative.toString()); // <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer>
console.log(fromRelative.namespace.value); // http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
console.log(fromRelative.relativeValue); // integer
let explicitNamespace = new IRI('Alice', new Namespace('ex', 'http://example.org#'));
console.log(explicitNamespace.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice>
console.log(explicitNamespace.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(explicitNamespace.relativeValue); // Alice
// If namespace resolved from absolute value does not exist
// It will be created, but prefix will be auto generated
let fromAbsolute = new IRI('http://example.org#Alice');
console.log(fromAbsolute.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice>
console.log(fromAbsolute.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(fromAbsolute.relativeValue); // Alice
// If value is within <> it will be removed, in memory term values
// don't contain RDF serialization artifacts, there are appended during serialization
let fromAbsoluteRdf = new IRI('<http://example.org#Alice>');
console.log(fromAbsoluteRdf.value); // http://example.org#Alice
console.log(fromAbsolute.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice>
console.log(fromAbsolute.namespace.value); // http://example.org#
console.log(fromAbsolute.relativeValue); // Alice
let invalid1 = new IRI('#####'); // Throws FormatError
import { PlainLiteral, TypedLiteral, LangLiteral } from 'rdflib-ts';
let plain = new PlainLiteral('This is plain literal');
console.log(plain.toString()); // "This is plain literal"
// If value is double quoted it will be removed, in memory term values
// don't contain RDF serialization artifacts, there are appended during serialization
let plainRdf = new PlainLiteral('"This is plain literal"');
console.log(plain.value); // This is plain literal
console.log(plain.toString()); // "This is plain literal"
// If not specified, default value for data type is xsd:string
let typedDefault = new TypedLiteral('This is typed literal');
console.log(typedDefault.toString()); // "This is typed literal"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>
let explicitType = new TypedLiteral('This is typed literal', 'xsd:string');
console.log(explicitType.toString()); // "This is typed literal"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>
let explicitType1 = new TypedLiteral('This is typed literal', new IRI('xsd:string'));
console.log(explicitType.toString()); // "This is typed literal"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>
let implicitType = new TypedLiteral('"This is typed literal"^^xsd:string');
console.log(implicitType.toString()); // "This is typed literal"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>
// If not specified, default value for language is en
let langDefault = new LangLiteral('This is lang literal');
console.log(langDefault.toString()); // "This is lang literal"@en
let explicitLang = new LangLiteral('This is lang literal', 'en');
console.log(explicitLang.toString()); // "This is lang literal"@en
let implicitLang = new LangLiteral('"This is lang literal"@en');
console.log(implicitLang.toString()); // "This is lang literal"@en
import { NamespaceManagerInstance, NQuad } from 'rdflib-ts';
// Register prefix to use in application scope
NamespaceManagerInstance.registerNamespace('ex', 'http://example.org#');
// NTriple and NQuad constructor can handle string values instead of
// passing BlankNode, IRI, and Literal instances
let quad = new NQuad('ex:Alice', 'ex:knows', 'ex:Bob', 'ex:namedGraph');
console.log(quad.toString()); // <http://example.org#Alice> <http://example.org#knows> <http://example.org#Bob> <http://example.org#namedGraph> .
// NTriple or NQuad can be "skolemized" (blank nodes replaced with iries)
quad = new NQuad('b1', 'ex:knows', 'b2');
console.log(quad.toString()); // _:b1 <http://example.org#knows> _:b2 .
console.log(quad.toString()); // <https://bitbucket.org/vladimir_djurdjevic/rdflib.ts/.well-known/genid/b1> <http://example.org#knows> <https://bitbucket.org/vladimir_djurdjevic/rdflib.ts/.well-known/genid/b2> .
// When unskolemized, blank nodes are preserved
console.log(quad.toString()); // _:b1 <http://example.org#knows> _:b2 .
RDFLib.ts provides RdfIOManager
class which can be used to parse or serialize RDF data. Currently supported formats are Turtle family formats (.nt, .nq, ttl, trig) which are handled with https://github.com/RubenVerborgh/N3.js library, and JsonLD format handled with https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js/ library. Support for RDF/XML will be added later. If you need to handle custom format, appropriate parser/serializer can be registered using RdfIOManager.registerParser(extension: string, parser: RdfDocumentParser)
and RdfIOManager.registerSerializer(extension: string, serializer: RdfDataSerializer)
methods. If target format is supported, parsing and serialization can be done using RdfIOManager.parseDocumentAsync(filePath: string, quadHandler?: (quad: NQuad) => void)
and RdfIOManager.serializeAsync(quads: NQuad[], outFilePath: string)
methods. Both methods are asynchronous and promise based. quadHandler?: (quad: NQuad) => void
is optional callback function which (if provided), gets called after each parsed quad.
Supported inputs are valid Turtle or JsonLD string, local file, readable stream, or remote file.
import { RdfIOManager, NQuad } from 'rdflib-ts';
let IOManager = new RdfIOManager();
try {
// Parse JsonLD document and serialize it back to equivalent TriG document.
let quads: NQuad[] = await IOManager.parseDocumentAsync('D:/vladimir_djurdjevic/shacl_1_4_example_data_graph.json', quad => console.log(quad.toString()));
await IOManager.serializeAsync(quads, 'D:/vladimir_djurdjevic/shacl_1_4_example_data_graph.trig');
// Parse Turtle document and serialize it back to equivalent JsonLD document.
// Not using quad handler now
quads = await IOManager.parseDocumentAsync('D:/vladimir_djurdjevic/shacl_1_4_example_data_graph.ttl');
await IOManager.serializeAsync(quads, 'D:/vladimir_djurdjevic/shacl_1_4_example_data_graph.jsonld');
} catch (error) {
For now only RemoteSparqlEndpoint
version is implemented. As already pointed out, main goal is to implement InMemoryRdfStore
version. RemoteSparqlEndpoint
just a proxy to remote SPARQL endpoint which can be queried using SPARQL 1.1 query language. It uses https://github.com/eddieantonio/node-sparql-client library to send SPARQL queries over http to target RDF store. RDF store can be used to import /export quads. If you want to import whole document, or export quads from store to document, you can use RdfDataImporter
and RdfDataExporter
import { NQuad, RemoteSparqlEndpoint } from 'rdflib-ts';
// Register prefix to use in application scope
NamespaceManagerInstance.registerNamespace('ex', 'http://example.org#');
// Apache Jena Fuseki server running on localhost:3030
// There is TestStore created on server
let remoteEndpoint = new RemoteSparqlEndpoint('TestStore', 'http://localhost:3030');
try {
await remoteEndpoint.importQuadsAsync([new NQuad('ex:Alice', 'ex:knows', 'ex:Bob')]);
// Interface SparqlQueryResult<QuadQueryResult> can be used for intellisense
// SparqlQueryResult format is defined in https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-results-json/
// QuadQueryResult defines shape of one binding, matches variables returned by query
let queryResult: SparqlQueryResult<QuadQueryResult> = await remoteEndpoint.queryAsync<QuadQueryResult>('SELECT * WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object }');
// There is only one result, previously imported
for (let result of queryResult.results.bindings) {
console.log(result.subject.value); // http://example.org#Alice
console.log(result.predicate.value); // http://example.org#knows
console.log(result.object.value); // http://example.org#Bob
} catch (error) {
import { NQuad, RemoteSparqlEndpoint, RdfDataExporter, RdfDocumentImporter } from 'rdflib-ts';
// Register prefix to use in application scope
NamespaceManagerInstance.registerNamespace('ex', 'http://example.org#');
// Apache Jena Fuseki server running on localhost:3030
// There are TestStore1 and TestStore2 created on server
let remoteEndpoint1 = new RemoteSparqlEndpoint('TestStore1', 'http://localhost:3030');
let remoteEndpoint2 = new RemoteSparqlEndpoint('TestStore2', 'http://localhost:3030');
let dataImporter = new RdfDataImporter();
let dataExporter = new RdfDataExporter();
try {
// Data importer can import quads from memory or from rdf document
await dataImporter.importRdfDataAsync([new NQuad('ex:Alice', 'ex:knows', 'ex:Bob')], remoteEndpoint1);
await dataImporter.importRdfDataAsync('D:/vladimir_djurdjevic/shacl_1_4_example_data_graph.json', remoteEndpoint1);
// Data exporter can just return exported quads in memory,
// write them to file or even import them in other store
let quads: NQuad[] = await dataExporter.exportRdfDataAsync(remoteEndpoint1);
await dataExporter.exportRdfDataAsync(remoteEndpoint1, 'D:/vladimir_djurdjevic/outPath.ttl');
await dataExporter.exportRdfDataAsync(remoteEndpoint1, remoteEndpoint2);
} catch (error) {
class can be used to manipulate with namespaces. Default NamespaceManagerInstance
is used in various parts of library for namespace resolution. IRI
class, for example, uses NamespaceManagerInstance
to resolve namespace. RdfDataExporter
also uses NamespaceManagerInstance
for creating context for JsonLD output or set of prefixes for Turtle output.
and RdfFactory
are simple util classes with static helper methods for checking RDF value format or creating terms based on different inputs.
RdfUtils.isUUID(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isUrl(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isUrn(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isAbsoluteIRI(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isRelativeIRI(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isSkolemIRI(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isIRI(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isBlankNode(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isPlainLiteral(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isLangLiteral(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.isTypedLiteral(value: string): boolean
RdfUtils.escapeLiteral(value: string): string
RdFactory.createLiteral(value: string, language?: string, datatype?: string): Literal
createRdfTermFromSparqlResultBinding(binding: ISparqlQueryResultBinding): RdfTerm
RDFLib.ts contains set of custom error classes for handling different error scenarios.
Every custom error has innerError
property which can be useful when rethrowing errors.
Error message consists of error name followed by concatenated (dot separated) error messages for every inner error in chain.
- ArgumentError
- FormatError
- InvalidOperationError
- NetworkError
- NotImplementedError
- NotSupportedError
import { FormatError } from 'rdflib-ts';
try {
throw new FormatError('Provided value has incorrect format');
} catch (error) {
console.log(error.message); // FormatError: Provided value has incorrect format
import { FormatError, InvalidOperationError } from 'rdflib-ts';
let rethrowingErrorFunction = () => {
try {
throw new FormatError('Provided value has incorrect format');
} catch (error) {
throw new InvalidOperationError('Can not create object', error);
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log(error.message); // InvalidOperationError: Can not create object. Provided value has incorrect format (FormatError)
To run all tests, run yarn test