
A week's challenge of recreating a battling game through pairing 🕹🕹

Primary LanguageRuby

Battle2 🕹🕹

This project was about building a battling game in pairs throughout the week using Ruby. We learnt how to connect different elements such as players, scores and attacks in diferrent routes of the controller. Given we did this in pairs, this was a work in progress project as we jumped between people's projects across the week depending on thier progress.

Note: This was a work in progress project. See this repo: https://github.com/thatdania/Battlegame for the furthest progress.

Domain Model (User stories that we wanted to cover)

A strategy to approaching the problems of the challenge was to list out all the user stories that represented requirements for the website in order for it to accomplish the challenge. My pair partner and I came up with this model before touching any code in order to know what requirements neede to be met.

Objects Messages Output
fight(names) enter and see Start fight by seeing names
P2 Hit points want to see See player 2's hit points
confirmation attack P2 P1 wins a game of battle
Attack(HP) reduce P2 hp is reduced by 10
turns switch Switch from P2 to P1 turn
hit points see P1 sees their hit points
confirmation attack P1 should lose a battle game
attack(HP) reduce P1 Hp reduces by 10
message(0hp) lose P1 loses a game of battle

Domain Model (Other Userstories we wanted to acheive but didn't)

Objects Messages Output
damage amount deal Attacks deal a random hp
opponent play lonely player plays computer
range of attacks attack P2 P1 wins a game of battle
opponent (attack) paralyse Opponent loses chance to attack
opponent (chance) poisoning Attack poisons opponent
Hit points heals P1 hit points are healed , increased
sexy interface use an appearance to enjoy while playing