
Color sequencing dialog in YUI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Color Sequencing

Author: Joni Halabi (www.thatdevgirl.com)


This color sequencing widget was developed as a proof of concept to reorder large numbers of content blocks inside a YUI dialog box, specifically testing using the YUI 3 DragDrop library inside a YUI 2.7 application. Because, you know, that's totally a thing.

What is in the Javascript?

This project contains all of the applicable YUI 2.7 and YUI 3.0 libraries in the /scripts/yui directory. All of the customization required for the color sequencing dialog is in the color-sequencing.js file.

What is in the CSS?

This project contains 3 CSS files:

  1. reset.css: Just a basic CSS reset, inspired by the Eric Meyers' CSS reset.

  2. yui.css: The default YUI 2.7 base CSS file.

  3. color-sequencing.css: Contains the base CSS for the dialog box and content blocks to be sequenced.