
Ruby Bindings for Handlebars.js

Primary LanguageRuby


This uses therubyracer to bind to the actual JavaScript implementation of Handlebars.js so that you can use it from ruby.


Simple stuff

require 'handlebars'
handlebars = Handlebars::Context.new
template = handlebars.compile("{{say}}{{what}}")
template.call(:say => "Hey", :what => "Yuh!") #=> "Hey Yuh!"

functions as properties

template.call(:say => "Hey", :what => lambda {|this| ("yo" * 2) + "!"}) #=> "Hey yoyo!"

Block Helpers:

handlebars.register_helper(:twice) do |block|
template = handlebars.compile({{#twice}}Hurray!{{/twice}})
template.call #=> Hurray!Hurray!

Safe Strings

By default, handlebars will escape strings that are returned by your block helpers. To mark a string as safe:

template = handlebars.compile("{{safe}}")
template.call(:safe => proc {Handlebars::SafeString.new("<pre>Totally Safe!<pre>")})


You can directly register partials

handlebars.register_partial("whoami", " I am {{who}}")
handlebars.compile("{{>whoami}}").call(:who => 'Legend') #=> I am Legend

Partials can also be dynamically looked up by defining a partial_missing behavior:

handlebars.partial_missing do |name|
  "unable to find >#{name}"
handlebars.compile("{{>missing}}").call #=> unable to find >missing

Missing partials can also be returned as a function:

count = 0
handlebars.partial_missing do |name|
  lambda do |this, context, options|
    count += 1
    "#{count} miss(es) when trying to look up a partial"
t = handlebars.compile("{{>missing}}")
t.call #=> 1 miss(es) when trying to look up a partial
t.call #=> 2 miss(es) when tyring to look up a partial


git clone git@github.com:cowboyd/handlebars.rb.git #git it
cd handlebars.rb #go to it
git submodule update --init #pull down handlebars.js
rspec spec/ #test it