vim file.txt
can also use vimtutor
Switch between modes : Esc
Normal : on starup
Insert : i insert at the cursor position
Insert : a insert at the next cursor position
Insert : s remove letter and insert at the current position
Delete : dd delete line
Delete : x delete character
Change : cc delete line and insert mode
Change : ce or cw delete upto end of next word and insert mode
Undo : u
Redo : Ctrl-r
Copy and Paste: yank is copy, so y | yy is to copy current line | yw copy word | p paste
Copy in visual mode (bulk) : v and hjkl, press y, press p to paste
Copy in visual mode (line mode) : V and same as before, can do rectangular blocks with lh
Command line
By pressing :
:help :w
:sp split text into multiple windows. can work on same file at once.
:qa quit all open windows
More keybindings
w move cursor forward by one word
b opposite dir of w
e end of the word
0 begenning
$ end of line
^ goes to first non empty character
~ to change case of word or block
Ctrl u up scroll
Crtl d down scroll
G moves all the way down
gg moves all the way up
L to lowest visible line
M for visible middle line
H for highest
fo to find first o same for other letters
Fs find first s before cursor
/ search for something, n to match next, p for previous
Combining with numbers
3k do k 3 times (same for other arrow keys, useful to move)
+4 to move 4 lines forward
-4 to move 4 lines up
2dw delete words twice
c2w change 2 words
Relevant to programming
%% to jump back and forth between paranthesis, or braces
di( delete everything in the parenthesis
da( delete all in paranthesis
dw delete word
d0 delete to begenning of line
d$ delete to end of line
cw change word and become insert mode
Add custom keybinding
Example from SO.
Insert into ~/.vimrc
Quickly insert an empty new line without entering insert mode
nnoremap <Leader>o o<Esc>
nnoremap <Leader>O O<Esc>