
My leadership operating manual and what you can expect working with me

My Manager Readme

What this is

An intro to how I approach managing teams, my values, and what to expect when working with me. It's a starting point to help us build a relationship more quickly.

My values

  1. People first – everyone matters, and we should foster an inclusive, caring culture that regards people's well-being and success as a priority.
  2. Psychological safety — maintain an emotionally safe work environment where team members feel accepted and respected.
  3. Invest in yourself — always be curious, ask questions, and share what you learn with others.
  4. Proactive communication — this builds trust and relationships by learning and understanding the needs of others.

How I view my job

I believe in servant oriented leadership, helping others find solutions to problems by leveraging their strengths. I am measured by the outcomes of my team, therefore it is in my best interest to make sure my teams have the necessary context in order to succeed. I value honest, open communication, and promise to ensure a safe space where each team member feels accepted and respected.

Continuous feedback

I firmly believe that improvement only comes from reflecting and acting on continuous feedback.

Personally, I lean on tools like the GTD weekly review process, as David Allen points out in his book, Getting Things Done this habit is essential in knowing what's important week-to-week.

When implementing solutions, we should always be thinking how to measure the outcomes. Features should not be shipped without a means of measurement.

The work/home balance

Boundaries are important. I expect you to respond to emails and Slack messages during normal operating hours (9:00 am - 6:00 pm). I don't expect you to respond after-hours unless you are on-call.

If you're sick, please stay home and focus on getting better. It's better for everyone 😄

We are problem solvers; not code monkeys 🙈

We are paid to solve problems, not just write code. I encourage people to think creatively about how to best solve the problem at hand. There are times when the best option is perhaps a 3rd party tool, a contract change, or a manually managed process.

Strong opinions, weakly held

I prefer to surround myself with people who will disagree with me, who will surface disproving evidence and challenge my thinking.

One owner (DRI)

I’m a huge believer in the Directly Responsible Individual (DRI) model. Every bug, task, project, or investigation should have exactly one person appointed to see that thing through.

I expect an owner to:

  • Know the current status
  • Relentlessly drive to completion
  • Dig really deep into the details and unknown problems
  • Raise the flag when there are blockers or big risks

Team first

We either all succeed, or we don't. I expect you to always focus on the team's highest priority, not your own. Always be looking for opportunities to help your teammates and ensure we all cross the finish line together.

When we are making decisions, optimizing for the team should take precedence over other areas such as performance.

Things I've written

On software development

PHPStorm Mastery Series